Chapter6 Review questions.txt

  1. 1. what is the importance of conducting the requirements discovery process?
    It is necessary in order to effectively design, construct, and ultimately implement a system to meet the users� needs.
  2. 2. What are the possible consequences if you fail to identify system requirements correctly and completely?
    • The system may cost more than projected.
    • The system may be delivered later than promised.
    • The system may not meet the users expectations, and that dissatisfaction may cause them not to use it. Once in production, the costs of maintaining and enhancing the system may be excessively high.
    • The system may be unreliable and prone to errors and downtime.
    • The reputation of the IT staff on the team is tarnished because any failure,
    • regardless of who is at fault, will be perceived as a mistake by the team.
  3. 3. What are some of the criteria deemed to be critical in defining system requirements?
    • Consistent-The requirements are not conflicting or ambiguous.
    • Complete-The requirements describe all possible system inputs and responses.
    • Feasible-The requirements can be satisfied based on the available resources and constraints.
    • Required-The requirements are truly needed and fuillll the purpose of the system.
    • Accurate-The requirements are stated correctly.
    • Traceable-The requirements directly map to the functions and features of the system.
    • Verifiable-The requirements are defined so that they can be demonstrated during testing.
  4. 4. The requirements discovery process consists of what activities?
    • Problem discovery and analysis.
    • Requirements discovery.
    • Documenting and analyzing requirements.
    • Requirements management.
  5. 5. Briefly describe the purpose and component parts of an Ishikawa diagram.
    The fishbone-shaped diagram begins with the name of the problem (or the fish's head). The possible causes of the problem (backbone). Typically, these "bones" are labeled as four basic categories: materials, ma-chines, manpower, and methods (the four Ms). The key is to have three to six main categories that encompass all possible ar-eas of causes. Determine cause and effect
  6. 6. What technique is commonly used in the requirements discovery phase? Why is it important?
    Interview is an individual face to face conversation. People is the most important element of an information system and no other fact-finding technique places as much emphasis on people rather than interview
  7. 7. Why is analyzing requirements essential?
    the analysis should answer the question, "Do we have the right system requirements for the project?
  8. 8. When collecting facts from existing documentation, what kind of documents should system analysis review?
    should collect and review documents that describe the problem. Ex. studies, minutes, customer com-plaints, Accounting records.
  9. 9. What are some of the drawbacks of collecting facts by observing employees in their work environment? How can systems analysts deal with these drawbacks?
    • Timing may be inconvenient, People may perform indifferently, not in normal condition, Interruptions
    • Determine the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the observation.
    • Obtain permission to observe from appropriate supervisors or managers.
    • Inform those who will be observed of the purpose of the observation.
    • Keep a low profile.
    • Take notes during or immediately following the observation.
    • Review observation notes with appropriate individuals.
    • Don't interrupt individuals at work.
    • Don't focus heavily on trivial activities.
    • Don't make assumptions.
  10. 10. What are the types of survey questionnaires that systems analysis can use to collect information and opinions?
    Free Format(offers greater latitude) and Fixed Format(selecting an answer)
  11. 11. What are some of the ways that you can use to help open the lines of communication in an interview?
    • Approach the session with a positive attitude
    • Set the other person at ease.
    • Let the other person know you are listening
    • Ask questions.
    • Don't assume anything
    • Take notes
  12. 12. What is joint requirement planning JRP?
    a process whereby highly structured group meetings are conducted for the purpose of analyzing problems and defining requirements.
  13. 13. Why has JRP become popular?
    decrease the time spent on fact-finding in one or more phases of the life cycle
  14. 14. Why is the facilitator in JRP so important?
    responsible for leading all sessions that are held for a systems project
  15. 15. What is the main concern in selecting a location for JRP sessions?
    should be conducted away from the company can concentrate on the issues and activities related to the JRP session and avoid interruptions and distractions
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Chapter6 Review questions.txt