Chapter5 Review questions.txt

  1. 1. What are the business factors that are driving systems analysis? Based on these factors, what should systems analysis address?
    Systems analysis is driven by the business concerns of SYSTEM OWNERS and SYSTEM USERS. Hence, it addresses the KNOWLEDGE, PROCESS, and COMMUNICATIONS building blocks from SO and SU�s perspectives
  2. 2. What is model-driven analysis? Why is it used? Give several examples.
    A problem-solving approach that emphasizes the drawing of pictorial system models to document and validate existing and/or proposed systems. Ultimately, the system model becomes the blueprint for designing and constructing an improved system. It uses pictures to communicate business problems, requirements, and solutions. Structured analysis, information engineering, and object � oriented analysi are examples of MDA. Examples of models include flowcharts, structure or hierarchy charts, and organization charts.
  3. 3. What is the major focus of structured analysis?
    Structured analysis focuses on the flow of data through business and software processes. It is process centered meaning emphasis on the process building block of IS framework
  4. 4. What is the major focus of information engineering?
    Focuses on the structure of stored data in a system rather than on process. Data centered, emphasizing the analysis of KNOWLEDGE (or data) requirements.
  5. 5. Why has object-oriented analysis become popular? What problems does it solve?
    Because it eliminates the artificial separation of data and processes. OOA views IS not as data and processes but as collection of objects that encapsulate data and process. It solves the synchronization of data and process models
  6. 6. What are the five phases of systems analysis?
    • Scope definition phase � is the project worth looking at
    • Problem analysis phase � is the new system worth building
    • Requirements analysis phase � what do users need and want from the new system
    • Logic design � WHAT must the new system do
    • Decision analysis phase - What is the best solution

    • 7. What is the goal of the scope definition phase?
    • The goal of this phase aims to establish the project plan in terms of scale, development strategy, schedule, resource requirements, and budget. It addresses the concerns the system owners view of the existing system
  7. 8. What are the five tasks that you do in the scope definition phase?
    • Identify baseline problems and opportunities
    • Negotiate baseline scope � studying the scope
    • Assess baseline project worthiness
    • Develop baseline schedule and budget
    • Communicate the project plan
  8. 9. What is the trigger for communicating the project plan, and who is the audience? Why is communicating the project plan important?
    Triggered by the completion of the baseline project plan and schedule. Project team, SO, users, analysts, designers, and builders. Because this builds community awareness and consensus while reducing both the volume and the consequences of rumor and misinfomation

    • 0. Why do many new systems analysts fail to effectively analyze problems? What can they do to become more effective?
    • It is because they don�t fully understand the problem. Study and understand the problem domain well enough to thoroughly analyze its problems, opportunities, and constraints
  9. 11. What is a popular tool used to identify and express the functional requirements of a system?
    Use cases � model business scenarios and events that must be handled by a new system
  10. 12. What is a commonly used technique for prioritizing system requirements?
    Timeboxing � attempts to divide requirements into �chunks� that can be implemented within a period of time that does not tax the patience of the user and management community.
  11. 14. Why is the decision analysis phase needed?
    It is needed because it is imperative that you identify options, analyze those options, and then sell the best solution based on the analysis.
  12. 15. What are some ways to identify candidate solutions?
    Some candidate solutions will be posed by design ideas and opinions from SO and SU. Others may come from SA, SD, technical consultants, and other IS pros.
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Chapter5 Review questions.txt
SAD chapter 5