
  1. the study of how our thoughts. feelings, perceptions, and behaviors are influenced by interactions with others
    social psychology
  2. focuses on how we perceive, store, adn retrieve information about social interactions
    social cognition
  3. the distance of one person to another
  4. the ability of a prson to interest you in or to expose you to new ideas and experiences
    stimulation value
  5. the ability of a person to help another achieve his or her goals
    utility value
  6. the ability of a person to provide another person with sympathy, encouragement, and approval
    ego- support value
  7. the attraction that often develops between opposite types of people because of the ability of one to supply what the other lacks
  8. the tendency to form opinions based on first impressions
    primacy effect
  9. set of assumptions about people in a given category summarizing our experience and beliefs about groups of people
  10. collection of principles based on our explanations of the causes of events
    attribution therapy
  11. an inclination to over attribute others behavior to internal causes and discount the situationak factors contributing to their behaviors
    fundamental attribution
  12. tendency to attribute ones own behavior to outside causes but attribute the behavior to others to internal causes
    actor observer bias
  13. a tendency to claim success is due to our efforts, while failure is due to circumstances beyond our control
    self serving bias
  14. the process through which messages are conveyed usuing space, body language, and facial expressions.
    nonverbal communication
  15. the theory that people of different ages tend to think differently about certain issues because of different formative experiences
    generational identity
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by: corn