Chapter 17 - Org Design etc

  1. a systme of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons
  2. formulation and enforcement of policies, rules, and regulations
    coordination of effort
  3. when the common goal is pursued by individuals performing spearate but related tasks
    division of labor
  4. a control mechanism dedicated to making sure the right people do the right things at the right time
    hierarchy of authority
  5. each employee should report only one manager
    unity of command principle
  6. a graphic representation of formal authority and division of labor relationships
    organization chart
  7. refers to the number of people reporting directly to a given manager
    spans of control
  8. do background research and provide technical advice and recommendations to their line mangers
    staff personnel
  9. have the authority to make decisions
    line managers
  10. a self sufficient entity
    closed system
  11. depends on constant interaction with the environment for survival
    open system
  12. one that proactively creates acquires and transfers knowledge and that changes it behaviors on the basis of new knowledge and insights
    learning organization
  13. groups people according to the business functions they perform
    functional structure
  14. the organization groups together activities related to outputs
    divisional structure
  15. used when a stronger horizontal alignment or cooperation is needed in order to meet goals
    matrix structure
  16. results from strategic application of the trend toward outsourcing
    hollow structure
  17. uses outsourcing but it outsources parts of the product
    modular structure
  18. a company outside a company created specifically to respond to an exceptional market opportunity that is often temporary
    virtual structure
  19. rigid bureaucrcies with strict rules, narrowly defined tasks and top down communication
    mechanistic organizations
  20. flexible networks of multitalied individuals who perform a variety of tasks
    organic organizations
  21. occurs when key decisions are made by top management
    centralized decision making
  22. occurs when important decisions are made by middle and lower level managers
    decentralized decision making
  23. an organization is deemed effective if it acquires necessary factors of production such as raw materials, labor, capital, and managerial, and technical expertise
    resources acquisition
  24. what the organization must excell at to effectivley meet its financial objectives and customers expectaions
    internal processes
  25. the satisfication of key interested parties
    strategic consitutiencies satisfaction
  26. any group of individuals who have some stake in the organization
    strategic constituency
  27. enables managment to identify all parties significantly impacted the organizations performance
    stakeholder audit
  28. a decrease in an organization's resource base
    organizational decline
  29. organizational tendancy to deny facts, use self aggradizement, and feel entitled
    organizational narcissism
  30. the creation of something new that makes money, it finds a pathway to the consumer
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Chapter 17 - Org Design etc
Chapter 17 - Org Design etc