Practice Exam 2 Bio 102

  1. list the 3 meristems responsible for primary growth
    • procambrium
    • protoderm
    • ground
  2. what is secondary growth
    growth in girth
  3. what is primary growth?
  4. active transport in plants powered by a gradient of ____
  5. the stage of embryonic developement in animals when the blastopore and germ layers form
  6. endoderm
    germ layer that forms the inner lining of the alimentary canal
  7. parazoans have no true ____
  8. two large groups of animals that are distinguished based on the type of symetry they posses
  9. characteristics that all chordates have at some point in life cycle
    • notochord
    • dorsal hollow nerve
    • pharyngeal slits
    • postanal tail
  10. apoptosis
    genetically programmed cell death; cell suicide
  11. vessel elements
    xylem cell found only in angiosperms
  12. ethylene
    hormone that causes fruit ripening
  13. in a tree trunk, all the tissue external to the vascular cambium makes up the ____
  14. condrichthyes
    a group of jawed fishes with skeletons of cartilage
  15. protosomes which molt, specifically the anthropods and nematodes, belong to this group
  16. what is unique about how prototherians reproduce compared to other mammals
    oviparous-egg laying
  17. group of vertebrates without jaws
  18. apoplastic
    route by which material can move through plant tissues along or through the cells walls (never crossing a plasma membrane)
  19. plasmodesmata
    cytoplasmic connection between two adjacent plant cells
  20. acid growth hypothesis
    when the hormone auxin accelerates the protein pump in target cells elongation turns on enzyme expansions. cell damage. the cell wall becomes acidid because of the protons being pumped into it
  21. radial cleavage (decribe, occurs in what phyla)
    the plane of the cleavage is either parallel or perpendicular to the polar axis
  22. amnion (what is it, function, what groups of animals have it)
    a thin tough membranous sac that surrounds the embryo, contains amniotic fluid that provides a watery enviroment for the embryo (amniates)
  23. double fertilization
    first sperm combines with the egg to form the zygote, the second sperm combines with the central cell to form a 3N(triploid) endosperm. it's a way to ensure the endosperm will not form unless the egg has been fertilized
  24. casparian strip (location, function)
    a region of wax called suberin that lines the endodermis and blocks the apoplastic route, forcing selectivity
  25. rhizobium
Card Set
Practice Exam 2 Bio 102
bio 102