Lecture 7-10

  1. Correlational research methods measure what?
    relationship between two or more variables
  2. In correlational research methods there is no..?
    manipulation of variables
  3. Correlation research has only one BLANK and take at least two BLANK
    group of participants; scores from each person to correlate
  4. Correlational research methods do no not what?
    imply causality
  5. What are correlational research methods useful for?
    (two things)
    • 1.Determining consistent relationships used for prediction of future events 
    • 2. Providing data that supports or negates current
    • theories
  6. Differential research methods compares what?
    two or more groups defined by pre-existing characteristics on at least one DV
  7. What kind of variables are involved in differential research methods?
    non-manipulated IV and DV
  8. With differential research methods one can infer what?
    causality but very cautiously because it is very vulnerable to confounding variables
  9. What are two types of research designs?
    Cross-sectional and longitudinal 
  10. Cross-sectional design
    comparing groups at different ages at one time
  11. What is the issue that arises with cross-sectional designs?
    cohort effect, a certain age group may have common features that are due to widespread common experiences vs. the variable of age 
  12. cohort effect
    variations in the characteristics of an area of study (such as the incidence of a characteristic or the age at onset) overtime among individuals who are defined by some shared temporal experience or common life experience
  13. Longitudinal design
    follow the same people overtime 
  14. A longitudinal design allows us to observe BLANK and control for BLANK
    developmental issues; cohort effect
  15. Confounding variables, define and give example
    Variables that systematically vary along with the independent variable. Ex: study if drinking causes early death but may be due to smoking and eating crap at same time
  16. artifacts
    apparent effect of IV that results from another uncontrolled variable
Card Set
Lecture 7-10
Flashcards on chapters in Research Methods book