(7) Plant Ntrition and Reproduction

  1. bulk flow
    • movement of fluids in plants due to a pressure difference
    • ex. transpiration cohesion mechanism
  2. cavitation
    • when the air bubble in xylem causes it to be useless
    • happens when its freezing
    • secondary growth creates new xylem
  3. sink
    where sucrose is being used (transport of phloem sap)
  4. source
    place where phloem sap is being made (transport of phloem sap)
  5. phloem sap moves from ____ to ____
    source to sink
  6. pressure flow model
    get better summary
  7. significance of Jean Baptiste von Helmont's experiment
    trees do not eat soil, most of their weight is from carbohydrates that come from CO2
  8. nitrogen cycle is sped along by ____
    prokaryotes (or bacteria)
  9. four types of bacteria
    • ammonifying
    • nitrifying
    • denitrifying
    • nitrogen fixing
  10. ammonifying bacteria
    breaks down organic material which releases ammonia so that ammonium can be formed
  11. nitrifying bacteria
    uses ammonium to produce nitrate
  12. denitrifying
    takes some of the nitrate and converts it into nitrogen gas
  13. nitrogen fixing
    takes nitrogen gas from air, breaks tripple covalent bond to make ammonia
  14. why cant eukaryotes break the tripple covalent bond in N2?
    because enzyme nitrogenous cannot function in presence of oxygen
  15. 3 examples of legumes
    peanuts, beans, alfalpha
  16. root nodules
    swelling on roots
  17. bacteriods
    vessicles in in the root nodules that contain one or more prokaryotes
  18. rhizobium
    type of bacteria that resides in vessicles of nodules of legumes
  19. rhizobium is an exmaple of ____ and ____
    mutualistic symbiosis and endosymbiosis
  20. in angiosperms the ____ generation is dominant and the ____ generation is reduced
    • sporophyte
    • dominant
  21. whorl
    leaves at a particular place ona shoot
  22. 4 whorls of modified leaves
    • carpel-at base of plant, make up calyx
    • stamens-male part of plant
    • petals-makes up corolla
    • sepals-at base of flower, make up calyx
  23. complete flower
    has all 4 whorls
  24. incomplete flower
    doesn't have all 4 whorls
  25. perfect flower
    flower with stamen and carpel
  26. imperfect flower
    can be carpellate or staminate
  27. monoecious
    (one house) a single plant has both carpellate and staminate flowers on it
  28. dioecious
    (two houses) individuals contain only male parts while other individuals contain only female parts
  29. how does pollen develope?
    microsporocytes undergo meiosis to produce 4 microspores which undergo mitosis produce pollen grain
  30. how does the ovule develope?
    megasporocytes in the sporangium undergo meiosis to produces 4 megaspores. 3 die and the 1 that lives continues to grow and then divides 3 times to give you eight nuclei
Card Set
(7) Plant Ntrition and Reproduction
biol 102