Minerals Magnesium

  1. Where is magnesium found
    • bone
    • ECF
    • inside cell
  2. How much of magnesium is located in the bone
  3. How much magnesium is located in ECF and in the cells
    • 1% ECF
    • Remainder(after bone and ECF) is in the cell
  4. What is the RDA for magnesium
    • Men= 420mg
    • Women= 320mg
  5. What are good sources of magnesium
    • Whole grains
    • Legumes
    • Broccoli
    • Green leafy Vegetables
    • Hard water
  6. What are normal serum levels for magnesium
  7. What are the functions of magnesium
    • Storage
    • Help enzymes carry out functions
    • Regulates nerve & muscle function
    • Critical for cardiac conduction
    • Role in blood clotting
  8. What can cause hypomagnesium
    • inadequate intake
    • Alcholism
    • Inadequate absorption
    • Diarrhea
    • Vomiting
    • Thizaide diuretics
    • Excess aldosterone
    • Polyuria
  9. What are S&S of hypomagnesium
    • Muscle tremors
    • Hyperactive reflexes
    • Confusion
    • Disorentation
    • Tachycardia
    • Hypertension
    • Dysarythmias
  10. what is the treatment for hypomagnesium
    replace the magnesium
  11. What causes hypermagnesium
    • renal failure
    • excessive intake via supplements or mineral salts
  12. What are the signs of hypermagnesium
    • Hypoactive reflexes
    • Decreased respiratory function
    • Cardiac arrhythmias
    • Diarrhea
  13. What is the treatment for hypermagnesium
    decrease magnesium intake
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Minerals Magnesium
Minerals Magnesium