Final Quiz 3 & 4

  1. Which statement best describes immunity?
    Ability of the body to defend itself against infectious agents, foreign cells, or abnormal body (cancer) cells
  2. Which statement best describes autoimmunity?
    Occurs when a person’s immune system fails to differentiate own cells or tissues from an invading foreign agent
  3. Which statement best describes nonspecific (innate) immunity?
    It is present at birth providing immediate but general protection against foreign agents entering the body
  4. Which statement best describes specific (acquired) immunity?
    It is effective against a precise foreign agent, developing in response to contact with that agent, responding to subsequent exposures to same agent
  5. All of the following cells are involved in nonspecific (innate) immunity except
    T cells
  6. Which cell type is shared by both nonspecific (innate) and specific (acquired) immunity?
    Natural killer T cells
  7. Which statement best describes cytotoxic T lymphocytes?
    • Kill invading organisms
    • (viruses, cancer)
  8. Which statement best describes helper T lymphocytes?
    Increase activity of killer lymphocytes; stimulate B cells 
  9. Which statement best describes memory T lymphocytes?
    • Are rapidly mobilized
    • in response to 2nd antigen encounter
  10. Which  statement best describes osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease?
    Symptoms include joint stiffness and pain in weight bearing joints
  11. Which statement best describes gout?
    • Familial metabolic
    • disease and was once a disease of royalty
  12. Which statement best describes rheumatoid arthritis?
    • Symptoms include
    • symmetrically inflamed joints that are warn, red, and swollen
  13. Treatments for rheumatoid arthritis include all of the following except
  14. All of the following are considered serious risk factors of biologics used to treat rheumatoid arthritis except
  15. All of the following statements regarding lupus are correct except
    Signs and symptoms of lupus are referred to as CREST
  16. All of the following statements
    regarding AIDS are correct except        
    • Long latency period
    • reduces risk of spreading infection
  17. All of the following are considered principles of infectious diseases except
  18. All of the following statements regarding the emergence of microorganisms as new infections or pathologies are correct except
    Release of microorganisms from asteroids during near-pass orbits with earth
  19. Which of the following statements is not part of the timeline for infection?
    Patency period
  20. Which of the following statements best describes carrier?
    Disease harbored in an individual not showing signs or symptoms
  21. Which of the following statements best describes endemic?
    Disease that exists, but at a low level in the population
  22. Which of the following statements best describes epidemic?
    • Disease occurring in
    • unusually large numbers over a specific area
  23. All of the following statements regarding penicillins are correct except
    There are 5 types
  24. All of the following statements regarding penicillins are correct except
    • The beta-lactam ring in
    • cephalosporins is also found in macrolides
  25. All of the following statements regarding multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)
    are correct except
    • It is due to proper use
    • or management of TB drugs
  26. All of the following medications are considered 1st line TB drugs except 
  27. All of the following medications are considered 2nd line TB drugs except
Card Set
Final Quiz 3 & 4
Final Quiz 3 & 4