Final Exam - quiz 1 & 2

  1. Which statement best describes the textbooks used in this course?
    Human Diseases, A Systemic Approach and Pharmacology Demystified
  2. Which of the following statements is not an objective of this course?
    To differentiate between pharmaceuticals and pharmacology
  3. Which of the following statements is not an objective of this course?
    To discuss the role of toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics of drugs
  4. Total possible points that may be earned for the summer semester are:
  5. Pathophysiology is defined as: 
    The study of body function that results from disease processes
  6. Pathology is defined as:
    The medical science that examines the essential nature of disease, especially changes of structure and function in body tissues and organs that cause or are caused by disease
  7. Homeostasis is defined as:
    A system in which a particular variable is not changing but energy must be continuously added to maintain this variable constant
  8. Pharmacology is defined as:
    The study of chemicals or drugs on living tissue
  9. All of the following are considered manifestations of disease except:
  10. All of the following are manifestations of disease learned from the physical exam except:
    Drug interactions
  11. All of the following are used for visualizing structural and/or functional changes except:
  12. Which of the following statements regarding drug effects is incorrect?
    If a drug is ineffective, it may still be used for treating acute diseases for which there is no other option.
  13. Most drugs primarily interact with one of the following molecules in the body to exert their pharmacological effect?
  14. Which of the following is not considered a method of drug action in the body?
  15. Which of the following statements best represents the rate-limiting rank order of common drug formulations?
    • Lipid-soluble>water-soluble>suspension
    • solution>powder> capsules> tablets>coated tablets>enteric coated
    • tablets
  16. Which of the following words is not part of the acronym ADME?
  17. Which of the following is not considered a mechanism for drugs to enter either the bloodstream or a cell?
  18. Which of the following is not considered a factor affecting drug absorption?
  19. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding drug bioavailability?
    It is calculated by comparing oral and inhaled drug doses
  20. All of the following are factors affecting drug bioavailability except
    Lung metabolism
  21. All of the following are factors affecting drug distribution except
    Levels of plasma lipids
  22. Which of the following statements is correct regarding drug distribution across the blood-brain barrier?
    Only lipid soluble drugs readily cross the blood brain barrier
  23. Which of the following statements is correct regarding drug biotransformation?
    Biotransformation of most drugs occurs in the liver
  24. All of the following mechanisms are used to describe receptor theory except:
    The effect of drug on lipid membranes producing transient changes in cell permeability prior to initiating a biological response
  25. All of the following statements regarding nutritional deficit are correct except
    Defined as a positive nitrogen balance 
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Final Exam - quiz 1 & 2
final exam review quiz 1 & 2 multchoice onlye