Prokaryotes and eukaryotic microorganisms

  1. parasitic microorganisms
    • protozoans
    • helminths
    • arthropods
  2. what are parasites
    • organisms that benefit from host and cause disease
    • Most medical parasites are eukaryotes that are either unicellular non-fungal (ie. protozoans), multicellular, often microscopic organisms (ie. helminths)
  3. parasitology
    includes the study of protozoans, helminths and arthropods.
  4. characteristics of protozoans
    • considered the 1st animals
    • mostly multi-cellular, eukaryotic organisms
    • have a true nucleus and membranes enclosed organelles (more sofisticated)
    • reproduce asexually(binary fission or multiple fission)
    • sexual reproduction (fusion of gametes)
  5. protozoan life cycle
    • Active-trophozoites(metabolize, grow and cause disease)
    • Inactive-cysts(orgnisms hatches out of cyst and metabolizes)
  6. importance of protozoans (protists)
    • link in food chain - wetland & aquatic environments
    • break down waste
    • biological sewage treatment
    • research(asexuals will produce genetic clones and we can study them)
  7. protozoan (protists)transmission
    Fecal(direct,fecal-oral,vector borne, vehicle)
  8. protozoans(protists) are categorized into what groups
    • plant-like (red tide)
    • fungus-like water molds)
    • animal-like can cause human disease)
  9. medically important animal-like protists
    • Mastigophorans
    • Sarcodines
    • Apicomplexans
    • Ciliates
  10. Mast
  11. mastigophorans
    • have flagella (motile)
    • Trichomonas
    • Giardiasis
    • leishmaniasis
    • African Sleeping Sickness
  12. Sarcodines
    Move by pseudpodia- Amebiasis
  13. Apicomplexans
    • are immobile so use toxins to sread
    • Taxoplasmosis
    • Cryptosporidiosis
    • Malaria
  14. Ciliate
    have cilia over most of their surface which allows them to move food and themselves
  15. Helminths
    • Multi-cellular with bilateral symmetry
    • 3 distinct layers-ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
  16. helmints reproduction
    • asexual-hermaphoditic(male & femal rep. organs), all tapeworms and some flukes.
    • sexual -all roundworms and some flukes
  17. Helminths life cycle
    • 1. egg transmitted into the environment
    • 2. Larvae- mature when get into host
    • 3. adult worm
  18. Helminths tansmission
    • fecal-oral
    • direct skin
    • vector borne
    • vehicle
  19. 2 types of Helminths
    • roundworm
    • flatworm
  20. Roundworm (hematodes)
    • long thin un-segmentes tubelike bodies
    • fluid filled internal body cavity(pseudocoelum) provide rigidity
    • use longitudal muscles to produce sideways thrashing movement
    • no respiratory or circulatory system so use diffusion to get nutrients
  21. Flatworm (acoelomate)
    • lack internal body cavity
    • Cestodes
    • Trematodes
  22. Cestodes (tapeworm)
    • long flat ribbon-like bobies
    • scolex and numerous segments that can break off and move throught the body and contain 1000's of eggs
  23. Trematodes
    • small flat leaf-like bodies
    • ventral suckers
    • exhibit gliding motion
  24. medically important  helminths
    • Roundworm-live in the intestine, muscular and/or circulatory system
    • -Trichinosis(pork meat)
    • -Filariasis
    • Flatworm-live in or on host
    • -Schistomaisis(flukes)
    • -Beef tapeworm
Card Set
Prokaryotes and eukaryotic microorganisms
unit 3