Lesson 101 - Lesoni Teau Ma Taha

  1. What are you doing that for?
    Ko ho'o 'ai ke ha?
  2. I', getting ready to go.
    Ko e 'ai ke u 'alu.
  3. Where are you going?
    'Alu ki fe?
  4. I'm going to take care of a little business and then ill come right back.
    Ko 'eku 'alu 'o 'ai 'eku ki'i me'a pea u toe ha'u.
  5. I'll go and then come again.
    Te u 'alu pea u toe ha'u.
  6. They brought the boy and also took him back again.
    Na'a nau 'omi e tamasi'i pea nau toe 'ave.
  7. See that you know.
    'Ai ke ke 'ilo'i.
  8. See that you get smart!
    'Ai ke ke poto!
  9. See that you try!
    'Ai ke ke feinga
  10. See that you come!
    'Ai ke ke ha'u.
  11. See that it's finished. 
    'Ai ke 'osi
  12. See that you finish the underground oven.
    'Ai ke 'osi e fei'umu
  13. Go and take car of my business
    'Alu o 'ai 'eku me'a ke lava!
  14. Go and take car of your business
    'alu o 'ai ho'o me'a ke lava!
  15. Go and take car of his thing
    'Alu 'o 'ai 'ene me'a ke lava.
  16. Go and fix the food!
    'Alu o 'ai e me'akai
  17. Give him on good hit!
    'Ai hano fo'i tuki!
  18. Give him one good poke!
    'Ai hano fo'i hoka!
  19. Give hime one good slap!
    'Ai hano fo'i pa!
  20. Have you done your lesson?
    Kuo 'ai ho'o lesoni?
  21. I'll stay and take care of the little item.
    Te u nofo 'o ai 'eku ki'i mea.
  22. Do it quickly!
    'Ai ai leva!
  23. Let'd do it quick
    Tau 'ai ai leva
  24. What are you doing that for?
    Ko'o ho'o 'ai ke ha?
  25. a poke, thrust , to play pool
  26. to poke, to spear
  27. Telegram
  28. a slap
  29. to slap
  30. to punch, hit , jab
  31. to hit or punch
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Lesson 101 - Lesoni Teau Ma Taha