
  1. Paragraph
    two or moreĀ sentences which relate to a single topic. intented 5 spaces
  2. Topic sentence
    Ussually the first sentence presenting the main concept of the paragraph.
  3. Developmental (support) sentences
    Follow topic sentence to provide info about topic sentence.
  4. Four Elements of a well-written paragraph
    • Unity: paragraph relates to central idea
    • Thoroughness: when a writer has provided the reader with enough detail and explanation about the topic of paragraph
    • Organization: Order of ideas are presented in developmental sentences.
    • Transitional connectives: smooth flow from one written concept to another.
    • ex. time/process: after, before, since, during
  5. Common transitional terms for Time/process
    After, before, since, during, later, meanwhile, soon, while, earlier, next, finally, daily, monthly, then, now, in the past, simultaneously
  6. Common transitional terms for place/direction
    here, there, next to, before, beyond, in front, near by, opposite, under, above, adjacent, right, left, distant, farther, further.
  7. Common transitional terms for comparison/likeness
    similarly, likewise, by comparison, in a likeĀ  manner, much the same, akin to, alike
  8. Common transitional terms for contrast/difference
    but, however, on the other handm yet, other wise, nevertheless, or, still, conversely, on the contrary, by contrast, notwithstanding, although
  9. Common transitional terms for addition/alternative
    and, in addition, moreover, furthermore, next, another point, also, besides, too, again, in fact
  10. Common transitional terms for examples/details
    to illustrate, for example, to wit, as is, shown by, for instance
  11. Common transitional terms for restatement/intensification
    to repeat, for emphasis, again, as noted earlier, in other words, in short, to be specific, briefly
  12. Common transitional terms for cause/reason
    Thus, therefore, consequently, so , hence, then, accordingly, as a result ,there upon, for the purpose of, with intent to.
  13. Common transitional terms for summary/ending
    to conclude, finally, in summary, to sum up, overall, indeed, in closing
Card Set
english, basic writting