UofH KOR401 VOCAB Chapter 01

  1. 강요하다
    to force; to demand by force
  2. 객관성
  3. 객관적인
  4. 객관화시키다
    to objectify
  5. 공평하다
    fair; just; impartial
  6. 거울
  7. 경적
    car horn
  8. 경적을 울리다
    to honk
  9. 경우
    circumstance; situation; occasion; case; instance
  10. 계충
    social class
  11. 고급
    high quality; high-class
  12. 고급 공무원
    high-ranking government official
  13. 고급품
    high-quality goods
  14. 곤란하다
    to be difficult; to be troublesome
  15. 곤란한 문제
    difficult problem
  16. 이해하기 곤란하다
    It is difficult to understand
  17. 구별
    distinction; discrimination
  18. 구별하다; 구별 짓다
    to distinguish; to discriminate
  19. 남녀 노소의 구별 없이
    irrespective of age and sex
  20. 깍쟁이
    miser; shrewd person
  21. 깨닫다
    to realize; to understand
  22. 꼬집다
    to criticize sarcastically; to pinch
  23. 다수
  24. 국민의 다수
    the majority of people
  25. 단연
    definitely; without hesitation; by far
  26. 단점
    weak point; drawback
  27. 당시
    at that time
  28. 대걸레
  29. 두루마리
    roll of toilet paper; scroll
  30. 뒤집다
    to turn over; to reverse
  31. 뒤집어 보다
    to see from the other side
  32. 따지다
    to call (a matter) into question; to distinguish between right and wrong; to calculate; to judge
  33. 사실인지 아닌지를 따지다
    to inquire into the truth of the matter
  34. 비용을 따지다
    to calculate expenses
  35. 똑똑하다
    to be smart; bright
  36. 뛰어나다
    to be outstanding; be superior
  37. 리얼하다
    to be real
  38. 리얼하게
    realisitcally; vividly
  39. 모습
    state; condition; appearance; aspect
  40. 묘사하다
    to describe; to draw
  41. 문득문득; 문뜩문뜩
    suddenly; unexpectedly; at times; hauntingly
  42. 미군
    American forces; U.S. Army
  43. 바라보다
    to look (at); to gaze (at)
  44. 받아들이다
    to accept
  45. 발견하다
    to discover
  46. 배속
    assignment; attachment
  47. 배속하다
    to assign
  48. 배속되다
    to be assigned (to); to be attached (to)
  49. 번뎨기
    silkworm pupa; silkworm larvae
  50. 병사
    solider; enlisted man
  51. 보신탕
    dog-meat soup
  52. 부딪치다
    to bumb into; to strike; hit; knock
  53. 남과 부딪치다
    to bump into a person
  54. 비춰 보다
    to reflect (in a mirror)
  55. 비하
    abasement; belittlement; disparagement; humility
  56. 비하하다
    to belittle; to humble oneself
  57. 빨다
    to wash clothes; to launder
  58. 새끼
    young animal, baby; fellow, guy, brat
  59. 설득하다
    to persuade
  60. 소주
    Korean liquor
  61. 습성
    habit; habitude
  62. 시각
    point of view; perspective; viewpoint
  63. 시선
    one's gaze; one's eye(s)
  64. 시선을 모이다
    to attract public gaze
  65. 시선을 피하다
    to avoid (a person's) gaze
  66. 피하다
    to avoid
  67. 시원하다
    to be refreshingly cool
  68. 아이고
    "Oh My God"; "Oh"; "Oops"
  69. 악수
  70. 양변기
    toilet bowl
  71. 양복
    business suit; (literally Western clothes)
  72. 얼큰하다
    to be hot; spicy
  73. 얼큰하게 양념하다
    to season rather heavily
  74. 역설
  75. 역설적으로
  76. 오라이
    Japanese-style pronunciation of "all right"
  77. 오징어
  78. 외눈박이
    one-eyed person
  79. 외치다
    to shout; to exclaim
  80. 욕하다
    to curse; swear; abuse; insult
  81. 융동성
    adaptability; flexibility
  82. 은근히
    secretly; privately; inwardly; not overtly
  83. 노리고 있다
    watching closely; keep an eye on
  84. 의견
    opinion; view
  85. 의견의 일치
    consensus; unanimity of opinion
  86. 의견에 찬성하다
    to favor (a person's) ideas
  87. 의식하다
    to be conscious of; to be aware of
  88. 이방인
    stranger, alien
  89. 익숙해지다
    to get used to; to become accustomed to
  90. 장점
    strong point, advantage
  91. 적응하다
    to fit for; be adapted for; be suited to; to adjust (oneself)
  92. 전반적
    general; overall
  93. 전반적으로
  94. 전파하다
    to circulate; to transmit
  95. 절반
  96. 정상
    normal; normality
  97. 정서
    sentiments, emotions, feelings; mood, atmosphere
  98. 주차
  99. 주한
    Korea-based, residing in Korea
  100. 지국장
    head manager of a branch office
  101. 지적하다
    to point out; to indicate
  102. 짚어내다
    to pick out; to point out; to describe
  103. 창안자
    inventor; originator
  104. 철자
  105. 체류
    stay; visit
  106. 체류하다
    to stay
  107. 체류비
    (living) expenses during one's stay
  108. 체류 기간
    length of stay
  109. 추임새
    sound of encouragement made by accompanist or audience during performance of p'ansori
  110. 충고
  111. 충고하다
    to advise
  112. 카아
    "Phew" (sound made after drinking)
  113. 토론희
    debate; forum
  114. 특정
    specific; particular; special
  115. 특정 집단
    specific group
  116. 특정 계충
    specific class
  117. 특징
    characteristic; distinctive feature
  118. side
  119. 이편
    this way
  120. 상대 편
    the opposite side; the opposite party
  121. 편안하다
    to be comfortable
  122. 표지판
  123. 풍자
    satire; sarcasm; innuendo; irony
  124. 소설
  125. 크기
    volume; size
  126. 확산되다
    to be spread; to be dispersed; to be expanded; to be diffused
  127. 관계
    relationship; connection; relation
  128. 한일 관계
    Korea-Japan relation(s)
  129. 황당하다
    to be baffled; to be puzzled; to be preposterous; to be absurd
  130. soil; dirt; earth
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UofH KOR401 VOCAB Chapter 01
Korean Language Flashcards