humanities final

  1. Monasticism-
  2. Monas :
    • "alone" (they are isolated
    • Christian communities)

    • Derives from ascetic
    • tendency
  3. His things were: Poverty, Chastity, Obedience to abbott
    Benedict of Nursia 480-547
  4. what did the regular clergy do?
    • (create their own independent community)
    • -Preserve classical texts

    -Provide local education

    - Manage hospices

    -Sponsor art/architecture

    - Produce missionaries
  5. The Secular clergy are ___.
  6. Dionysus Exiguus is a.k.a. ____.

    -Fixes Christian year calendar/year count. Tries to fix the
    day of Easter by counting back to the birth of Christ.
    Denis the Little
  7. Jerome (347-420) translates _____....
    Hebrew and Greek books of Bible into Latin.
  8. Augustine of Hippo (345-430)
    • Most important church father after St. Paul.
    • 1. came from a very wealthy upper class family
    • 2. only with time that more upper class people come to the church
    • 3. led a wild life as a young Man bc he had money and leisure to do so
    • 4. at 33, converted to Christianity
    • 5. particularly inspired by the writings of St. Paul.
    • 6. ***Known for the works: The Confessions. The Select Group of Believers. The next book is The City of God- piece in which he contrasts unearthly city and God’s city.
    • 7. Helped established the idea of evil(perversion of good)- twisting of the good.
    • Just war. If you go to war f0r the right reasons, war is good.
  9. The Basilica
    (clerestory, narthex, nave, transept..) we inheret this from Rome.
  10. ____ (The p crossed by the x) represents first two letters of
    the Greek christos.


    latin for the Christian fish symbol. Acronym for a saying “Jesus Christ, son of God, Savior”
    Chi Rho
  11. - 4 rulers
  12. The Diocletian has __, __, and ___.
    • Tetrarchy- 4 rulers
    • 2 augustines
    • 2 caesars
  13. Constantine:
    • -Son of one of the caesars
    • -312 forces son of maximum across tiber and takes rome
    • -Christian god gives him victory
    • -313 edict of Milan
    • -relieves church leaders of public service and taxation
    • -gives financial help to churches
    • -holds council of Nicaea (325) Larian Controversy page 18
    • - founds Constantinople (instanbul) – Turkey
    • - moves seat from Roman Empire from Rome to Constantinople
    • - sons of Constantine rule from rome to Constantinople
    • -divisions between western and eastern
    • - empires grow
    • - 476 AD- Fall of Western Empire
    • -Eastern Empire (Byzantium) continues until 1453
  14. Early Christians
    • Poor and middle class
    • Worship in secret
    • Worship in homes
    • Spoke Greek
    • Buried rather than cremated their dead
    • Ruled by elders- presbyters “old man”
    • Epriskepas “overseas” becomes English Word “Bishop”
  15. ____: prefiguring
    Rose Apple Tree
  16. Names of sons
    Feeder- _____
    Mara- ______
    • ball and chain
    • god of desire
  17. Islam means ____. or _____
    • admission to God
    • Surrender to god
  18. Allah-
    the God.
  19. Bedouin:
    Arab nomads
  20. The islams were
    Were __, __, & (highly competitive
    with one another). They raided without killing bc this created ____.
    • animistic
    • polytheistic, and tribal.
    • vendetta
  21. At the time of Muhammad,
    they had about 300 gods with ___ in the ____.
    • idols
    • kabba
    • (Muhammad destroys these, but not the black stone bc it's linked to Abraham.)
  22. Muhammad establishes a _____.
    Islam recognizes ___ & ____ scripture as authoritative God messages.
    • theocracy.- gov't ruled by religious authority.
    • Christian and Judaism
  23. __ is the last profit for Islam. The__ is god’s final
    and complete word.
    • Muhammad
    • Quran
    • (Quran is God's Word, not Muhammad's)
  24. The ___ is the very first thing. then ____, then_____, and then the ____.
    • confessions of faith.
    • whats due to the poor/ islamic charity.
    • fasting from sun to sunset (rammadan)
    • hajj (which must be made once in life)
  25. The Quran: means ____. is the ___, is God's ___ &___ law. It ____ all other messages although it does not cancel them out. Is written in ___, and is considered ___.
    • recitation.
    • sacred text of Islam
    • eternal & absolute
    • supersedes
    • Arabic
    • untranslatable
  26. Chapters of Quran are ___ with __ years of recitation.
    • surahs.
    • 21
  27. ___ is Abraham's son.
  28. __ :"when I heard the Quran my heart softened and I wept, and Islam entered me"
    Umar Ibn al-khattab.
  29. Rules for the Quran law are arranged from __ to __ with ___ chapters. No eating___, no _____, no ___, and were allowed to __ wives. Teaches that women have property and rights but men are higher bc they are providers.
    • longest to shortest, 114
    • pork, drinking wine, gambline
    • 4
  30. The Quran teaches ___(holy war), whoch refers to muslims internal struggle for __.
    • Jihad,
    • imperfection.
  31. The Quran allows ___, but only if able to provide for all four.
  32. Muhammad is seen as the ___.
    "perfect man"
  33. Muslims refer to nonbelievers as ___.
  34. Islams use the ___. -sayings of Muhammad, which
    was complied after his death. The Quran was formally written after Muhammad’s
  35. Muslims also refer to the ___, which means " __", an ethical code of conduct.
    • Sharia
    • "path to follow"
  36. __: leaders of prayer
  37. ___: scholars trained in Muslim Law. Interpret the Sharia.
  38. The spread of Islam was influenced because 1)___, 2)____, and 3)___.
    • 1. religion was simple (just like Christianity)
    • 2. free of dogma/doctrine
    • 3. taxes?
  39. The name sunni comes from the word ___, which means ____. The Sunni believed that they are the ____, that they are following Muhammad’s teachings.
    • Sunna
    • tradition of the profit.
    • Orthodox Muslims,
  40. ___ believe that they are blood related to Muhammad through his cousin who was also his son in law. They
    believe that ___ was the real successor to Muhammad.
    • Shiite
    • Ali
  41. The successors were called _____ when Muhammad died, which means ___.
    • Caliphs
    • deputy
  42. In one century Islam gained more converts than ____ did in its first 300 years. The first group of people were
    ___, and the other group were the___.
    • Christianity
    • the Byzantian
    • Franks
  43. The ____ is the grand mas in Mecca where Muhammad was born. 570-632 CE.

    [Muhammad belonged to a fairly prominent clan, was orphaned
    at age 6, uncle took him in and protected him. Was prob illiterate.
    Married Khadijah, who is 15
    yrs older than him. ]

    He told his followers that the angel ___ visited
    • kaaba.
    • Gabrielle
  44. Medina:
    "the city". Is where Muhammad leaves to .
  45. Hijra:
    the migration to the city.
  46. ___CE is when the Islams start their calendar.
  47. Christianity was an _________
    alternative to secular rational values.
  48. Christians were persecuted because of 1) ___2) ___
    • 1. the refusal to worship the emperor.
    • 2. the refusal to serve in the army.
  49. Buddah's name is _____.
    Siddartha Guatama
  50. Theocratic successors to Muhhamad :
  51. Baghdad is " "
    "the navel of the earth"
  52. bagdad had the largest __ in the world
  53. People of the Book are ___.
  54. Islamic mystics were :
    • meditation, fasting, prayer, music, dance, intuition,
    • non-rational , ecstasy, visionary
  55. The Islamic capital was moved to ___.
  56. During the eight and tenth centuries, the Islamic worlds were considered
    the Golden Age
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humanities final
UL Humanities