MA-70 Ch 11

  1. acoustic
    pert. to sound or the sense of hearing
  2. audiogram
    record of hearing measurement
  3. audiologist
    health professional who specializes in the study of hearing impairments
  4. audiology
    the study of hearing disorders
  5. audiometer
    instrument to measure hearing
  6. audiometry
    process of measuring hearing
  7. auditory
    pert. to the sense of hearing
  8. cerumen
    a waxy substance secreted by glands located throughout the external canal
  9. cochlea
    • coiled tubular structure of the inner ear that contains the organ of Corti (cochlea = snail)
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  10. cochlear
    pert. to the cochlea
  11. eustachian tube
    • tube connecting the middle ear to the pharynx (throat); also called the auditory tube
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  12. incus
    • anvil; middle of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear
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  13. labyrinthitis
    inflammation of the labyrinth (inner ear)
  14. malleus
    • hammer; first of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear
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  15. myringitis
    inflammation of the eardrum; also called tympanitits
  16. myringostomy
  17. myringotomy
    incision into the eardrum, most often for the insertion of a small polyethylene (PE) tube to keep the canal open and prevent fluid buildup
  18. otalgia
  19. otic
    pert. to the ear
  20. otitis externa
    inflammation of the external auditory meatus (canal)
  21. otitis intima
  22. otitis interna
    inflammation of the inner ear
  23. otitis media
    inflammation of the middle ear
  24. otodynia
  25. otoplasty
    surgical repair of the external ear
  26. otorhhagia
    bleeding from the ear
  27. otorrhea
    purulent drainage from the ear
  28. otosclerosis
    hardening of the bony tissue in the ear
  29. otoscopy
    use of an otoscope to examine the external auditory canal and tympanic membrane
  30. pinna
    • auricle (little ear); projected part of the external ear
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  31. presbyacusis
    hearing impairment in old age
  32. presbycusis
    hearing impairment in old age
  33. semicircular canals
    • three canals within the inner ear that contain specialized receptor cells that generate nerve impulses with body movement
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  34. stapes
    • stirrup; last of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear
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  35. tinnitus
    a jingling; a ringing or buzzing in the ear
  36. tympanic
    pert. to the tympanum
  37. tympanitis
    inflammation of the eardrum
  38. tympanometry
    measurement of the compliance and mobility (conductibility) of the tympanic membrane and ossicles of the middle ear by monitoring the response to external airflow pressures
  39. tympanoplasty
    vein graft of a scarred tympanic membrane to improve sound conduction
  40. tympanostomy
    incision into the eardrum, most often for the insertion of a small polyethylene (PE) tube to keep the canal open and prevent fluid buildup
  41. tympanotomy
    incision into the eardrum, most often for the insertion of a small polyethylene (PE) tube to keep the canal open and prevent fluid buildup
  42. tympanum
    the middle ear or tympanic cavity
  43. vertigo
    a turning round; dizziness
Card Set
MA-70 Ch 11
Medical Terminology