criminal justice chap 11

  1. abuse-of-trust crimes (in property crime)
    crimes committed by caretakers.
  2. arson
    intentionally burning a house or other structure.
  3. burglary
    breaking and entering a building with intent to commit a crime inside the building.
  4. burning (actus reus in arson)
    setting a building on fire, and the fire actually reaches the structure.
  5. consolidated theft statutes
    eliminate the artificial need to separate theft into distinct offenses according to their actus reus.
  6. criminal mischief (in property crimes)
    misdemeanor of damaging or destroying other people’s property.
  7. criminal trespass (in property crimes)
    the crime of invading another person’s property.
  8. cybercrime
    crimes committed through the Internet or some other computer network.
  9. embezzlement
    the crime of lawfully gaining possession of someone else’s property and later converting it to one’s own use.
  10. extortion (blackmail)
    misappropriation of another’s property by means of threats to inflict bodily harm in the future.
  11. false pretenses
    in modern law it’s often called “theft by deceit,” and it means having the specific intent to obtain property by deceit and lies.
  12. identity theft
    stealing another person’s identity for the purpose of getting something of value.
  13. intangible property
    property that lacks a physical existence (examples include stock options, trademarks, licenses, and patents).
  14. intellectual property
    information and services stored in and transmitted to and from electronic data banks; a rapidly developing area of property crimes.
  15. larceny
    taking and carrying away another person’s property without the use of force with the intent to permanently deprive its owner of possession.
  16. receiving stolen property
    benefiting from someone else’s property without having participated in the wrongful acquisition in the first place.
  17. robbery
    taking and carrying away another’s property by force or threat of force with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of possession.
  18. surreptitious remaining element
    entering a structure lawfully with the intent to commit a crime inside.
  19. tangible property
    personal property (not real estate).
  20. theft
    the consolidated crimes of larceny, embezzlement, and false pretenses.
  21. theft by deceit or trick
    obtaining someone else’s property by deceit and lies.
  22. white-collar crimes
    crimes growing out of opportunities to get someone else’s property provided by the perpetrator’s occupation.
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criminal justice chap 11
chap 11