1. What is the normal range for respirations of a newborn?
    30-60 breaths per minute
  2. What is the normal Hgb of a newborn?
  3. What is the normal Hct of a newborn?
  4. What is the RBC of a newborn?
    4.8-7.1 mm
  5. What is the range for platelets?
  6. What are the normal lab values of glucose for a newborn?
    40-60 mg/dl
  7. What is the normal lab values for bilirubin direct?
    0-1 mg/dl
  8. What three medications are given to a newborn?
    • 1. vitamin K (1mg)
    • 2. triple dye to the cord
    • 3. erythromycin ophthalmic ointment
  9. What are the energy/calorie requirements for a newborn?
    • 0-3 months: 110 kcal/kg/day
    • 3-6 months: 100 kcal/kg/day
    • 6-9 months: 95 kcal/kg/day
    • 9-12 months: 100 kcal/kg/day
  10. What is the stomach capacity of a newborn?
    • 30-90 mL
    • It takes 2-3 hours to empty
    • (Sphincter is immature and baby will spit up)
  11. What are advantages of breastmilk?
    • 1. breastmilk is nutritionally superior
    • 2. it is bacteriologically safe and fresh
    • 3. enhances maturation of GI tract
    • 4. Contains antibodies for immunity
    • 5. there is a lower incidence of allergies and asthma
  12. What are the nursing goals for a newborn?
    • 1. Maintain effective breathing patterns
    • 2. Maintain effective thermoregulation (keeping warm)
    • 3. Remain free of infection (wash hands; nurses shouldn't kiss them; sterile nipples on sterile formula; wipe baby girls front to back)
    • 4. Receive necessary nutrition
  13. How do babies clean their airway?
  14. What is the examination procedure for the newborn head?
    • 1. Measure the circumference in inches and centimeters at the eybrow line (33-35 cm)
    • 2. Palpate suture lines and fontanelles
    • 3. Observe for indication of molding, caput succedaneum, cephalohematoma.
  15. What is molding?
    Molding is the shaping of the head by the overlapping of the cranial bones so that the baby can pass through the birth canal during labor
  16. What is caput succedaneum?
    Caput succedaneum is a generalized edamatous area of the scalp (commonly found on the occiput). It extends across suture lines of the skull and disappears spontaneously within 3 to 4 days. This is common with babies who are born with the assistance of a vacuum.
  17. What is cephalohematoma?
    A cephalohematoma is the collection of blood between a skull bone and its periosteum. This is why a cephalohematoma does not cross suture lines. Causes include: low forceps birth, difficult forceps rotation and extraction, and spontaneous birth from pressure against the maternal bony pelvis. a complication of a cephalohematoma is jaundice due to hemolysis of RBCs as the cephalohematoma resolves.
  18. What is a nuchal cord?
    This is where the cord is around the neck when the baby is born
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newborn assessment