Nutrition Mineral Calcium

  1. What is the most abundant mineral in the body
  2. What mineral is the major component of bones and teeth
    99% in bone
    1% in cells
    .01% in ECF
  3. What is the AI for calcium
    • 1300 mg- 1000 mg, based on age
    • increased to 1200 mg after age 50
  4. What are sources of calcium
    • dairy & milk products
    • green leafy veggies
    • small fish with bones
    • legumes
    • calcium fortefied foods
  5. What are the functions of calcium
    • Provide bone structure for calcium storage
    • Conduct nerve impulses
    • Muscle contraction & relaxation
    • Formation of blood clots
    • BP regulation
    • Protective for colorectal cancer
  6. Do serum calcium levels depend on dietary calcium intake
  7. What does dietary intake of calcium influence
    deposition of calcuim into the bone for storage and release
  8. What are normal serum calcium levels
    8.6-10.2 mg/dl
  9. What provides the calcium to be distributed via the blood stream
    calcium in the bones
  10. What happens when parathromone and vitamin D get secreated
    • bone releases calcium
    • intestines absorb more calcium
    • kidneys retain more calcium
  11. What hormones can control calcium levels
    • parathromone
    • vitamin D
    • Calcition
  12. What secretes parathromone and when does it get secreted
    • parathyroid gland
    • when calcium levels are low
  13. Vitamin D has the hormone-like effect of what
  14. What secretes calcitonin and when does it get secreted
    • thyroid
    • when calcium is high
  15. How does calcitonin affect calcium levels
    decrease calcium by reducing calcium & phosphate in the blood
  16. What can increase the absorption of calcium
    • acidity of digested mass: best if part of a meal
    • Body's need for higher amounts(prego)
    • lactose
    • Sufficant vitamin D
  17. What causes a decrese in the absorption of calcium
    • Aging
    • Binders
    • Dietary fat & fibers
    • Drug useExcessive phosphorus intake
    • Laxative use
    • Sedentary lifestyle
  18. What are the S&S of hypocalcemia
    • numbness & tingeling of fingers
    • Hyperactive reflexes
    • Muscle cramps
    • pathological fractures
  19. What are the causes of hypocalcemia
    • Decreased albumin
    • Hypoparathyroidism
    • Vitamin D deficient
    • Pancreatitis
    • Alkalosis
    • Renal Failure
    • Chronic Alcholism
  20. What is the treatment for hypocalcemia
    • Replace parathyroid hormones
    • Calcium infusion
    • Vitamin D supplements
  21. Osteoporosis is caused by what
    deficiency of calcium intake
  22. What are the risk factors for osteoporiosis
    • Non-modifiable:
    • race
    • age
    • gender
    • family history
    • Modifiable:
    • calcium intake
    • alcohol consumption
    • smoking
    • caffine
    • sedentary lifestyle
  23. What is the treatment for osteoporosis
    • Medicine to prevent bone loss
    • Calcium & Vitamin D supplements
    • Weight baring exercise
  24. What are the dietary S&S of calcium toxicity
    • Constipation
    • Urinary stones
    • Reduced iron & zinc absorption
  25. What is the upper limit for calcium consumption daily
  26. What are the S&S of hypercalcemia
    • Anorexia
    • N&V
    • Weakness
    • Hypoactive reflexes
    • Lethargy
    • Flank pain
    • Decreased LOC
    • Personality changes
    • Cardiac arrest
  27. What are the causes of hypercalcemia
    • Hyperparathyroidism
    • Osteometastasis
    • Paget's Disease
    • Osteoporosis
    • Prolonged Immobolization
    • Acidosis
    • Thiazide diuretics
  28. How would you treat a patient with hypercalcemia
    • IV fluid
    • loop diurectics
  29. What are the dietary S&S of decreased calcium intake
    • Mostly affects bones health
    • Increased colon cancer risk
    • Hypertension
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Nutrition Mineral Calcium
Nutrition Mineral Calcium