Saab 340B Acronyms

  1. LP Bleed Valve Closes when:
    • S witch to closed
    • A CM temp above 225C
    • D uct temp above 82C
    • F ire Handle Pulled
    • O ver temp (bleed air) 288C
    • O ver pressure (bleed air) 43 PSI
  2. HP Bleed Valve Closes when:
    • M ain DC bus power lost
    • O ver temp (bleed air) 288C
    • O ver pressure above 76 PSI
    • F ire Handle Pulled
    • S hutdown Engine
  3. Flight Control Computer (FCC) -Autopilot- Receives data from:
    • A HRS
    • R adio Altimeter
    • E FIS
    • N av Receivers
    • A ir Data Computer
    • A ltitude Preselector/ Alerter
  4. L/R Generator Relay Automatically Opens when:
    • F ire handle pulled
    • E xternal power is being used
    • M alfunction detected by GCU (except over temp)
    • S tarting (between 0-55% Ng)
    • S witch OFF
  5. Emergency Bus (a bet we forget)
    • A udio System backup power
    • B us-Tie relay connection function
    • E ngine Fire detection L/R
    • T ail Pipe Hot detection L/R
    • W arning System backup power
    • E mergency Voltage indicator
    • E mergency Avionics Bus (VHF Comm 1/ Stby Horizion)
    • S tandby Instrument lighting
  6. Bus-Tie Relay Closes when:
    • G PU used
    • O ne Gen operating
    • L eft or both BAT switches ON
  7. Ultility Bus
    • A ir in Aft Cargo
    • S upplementary A/C
    • P assenger Reading Light
    • H eat Function on TAMDAR
    • A ctive Noise Control
    • L av Function
    • T ea (Galley & Jug Heaters)
  8. L Hot Bat Bus
    • B attery Voltage Indicator
    • D ome, Enterance, & Cargo Lights
    • F ire Handle
    • A HRS 1 Backup Power
    • C argo Fire Extinguisher
    • E ngine Fire Extinguisher
  9. R Hot Bat Bus
    • B attery Voltage Indicator
    • R efueling/ De-fueling Power
    • F ire Handle
    • A HRS 1 Backup Power
    • C argo Fire Extinguisher
    • E ngine Fire Extinguisher
  10. 115 V AC- powered from respective BAT Bus (requires 28V)
    • F DR
    • R adar Stablization
    • O verhead Panel Lighting
    • G PWS/ TAWS
  11. 26 V AC- powered from respective BAT Bus (requires 28V)
    • C DI
    • A HRS (Heading Function Comparator)
    • R MI (Failure- RMI flag or CDI disappears)
  12. Fire Handle Pulled
    • S ilences Fire Bell
    • A rms Squibs
    • C loses Fuel Shut-off Valve
    • R esets Fire Warnings
    • O pens Gen Relay
    • C loses Bleed Valve
  13. AHRS 1 powers:
    • A P/FD
    • R MI 2
    • R adar Wx
    • M FD
    • D PU 1
    • D FDR
  14. AHRS 2 powers:
    • A P/FD
    • R MI 1
    • M FD
    • D PU2
  15. "Config" Warning
    • Takeoff: WOW on ground AND PL above 64 degrees with:
    •      -Flaps above 15 or
    •      -One or both CL's not in MAX or
    •      -Pitch Trim out of green range
    • When left engine started with FI STOP knob pulled

    • Landing: Gear not down AND:
    •      -Below 500' Radio Altitude
    •      -One PL above 64 degrees
    •      -Above & Flaps 20 or more
  16. "Gear" Warning
    • One gear is up and:
    •      - RA above 500' and
    •      - One or Both PL above 64 degrees
    • Or  Gear up and Flaps above 20
  17. Anti-Skid Requirements
    • - Switch ON
    • - Landing Gear Handle Down
    • - PL Above FI or WOW activated

    Deactives less than 20 KIAS
  18. Accessory Gear Box (AGB) driven by Ng
    • H MU
    • O il Pump (Engine)
    • L P Fuel Pump (Main)
    • E ngine Alternator
    • S tarter/ Generator
  19. Engine Protections
    • H MU- Limits Ng Speed to 110%
    • O verspeed & Drain Valve- 1573 Np Overspeed Protection
    • P rop Overspeed Governor- Blocks oil when RPM above 1452 PRPM
  20. Engine Alternator powers:
    • D ECU
    • I gntition
    • N g Indication
  21. Prop Gear Box (driven by power "prop" turbine -Np-) drives:
    • - P rop Overspeed Gov- Blocks oil flow above 1452 PRPM
    • - A C "Wild" Frequency Generator
    • - L ubrication (PGB oil) Pump 
    • - P rop Control Unit- Changes blade angle

    If you lose all oil pressure in PGB props feather to 50 degrees due to counter weights
  22. Hydro Mechanical Unit (HMU) functions:
    • V ariable Inlet Guide Vanes (VIGV)
    • A nti-Ice/ Starter Bleed Valve (AISBV)
    • N g Speed Limiting (110%) shuts off fuel/ engine
    • E ngine Fuel Flow Metering (HP fuel pump)
    • S tores the Torque Motor
  23. Torque Motor (TM) Controls Fuel for:
    • - C TOT
    • - A PR
    • - B ottom Governing

    Can be locked out w/ CL going over max gate & back. Will lose reverse thrust capability on landing b/c no more bottom gov. Reset CL=Fuel Off.
  24. Digital Electrical Control Unit (DECU) increases fuel to HMU via TM to provide:
    • B ottom Governing- Maintains 1040 PRPM, Full Reverse= 1200 RPM (-13 degree blade angle)
    • A utomatic Power Reserve (APR)- boosts TQ by 7% when engine fails (Autocoarsen must be on)
    • I TT- Internal Torque Temperature
    • T orque and Prop RPM indications
    • C onstant Torque on Takeoff (CTOT)
    • A uto Ignition- Stays on for 7 secs (Off at less than 62%)
    • N p Overspeed Protection- 1573 PRPM opens ODV
  25. Autocoarsen Low Mode (55 degrees)
     full feather = 84 degrees*
    • Armed Low:
    •      - S witch ON
    •      - O ne or both PL's above 64 degrees
    •      - N g above 55%
    •      - N e above 60%

    • Actived Low:
    •      - Switch ON
    •      - Good Engine Ng above 55%
    •      - Bad Engine Ng below 55%
    •      - Bad Engine Ne below 60%
  26. Autocoarsen High Mode (55 degrees)
    • Armed High:
    •      - S witch ON
    •      - P L's above 64 degree
    •      - T Q above 50%
    •      - P 3 above 120 PSI

    • Activated High
    •      - S witch ON
    •      - P L's above 64 degrees
    •      - T Q above 50%
    •      - T Q diff of 25%
    •      - B ad Engine TQ less than 50%
    •      - B ad Engine P3 below 120 PSI
  27. FI Stop
    • Opens when: Gear extended and WOW or wheel speed above 25 kts
    • Closes when: Gear retracted or WOW and wheel speed below 9 kts
    • Override knob opens FI when pulled (must be reset by mx. CONFIG warning occurs if open when left engine started)
  28. BETA range
    • PL's (below FI) controls prop angle; CL's controls fuel off or feather
    • BETA Prop Angle: 8 degrees (1040 PRPM) to -13 degrees (1200 PRPM, Full Reverse)
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Saab 340B Acronyms
Saab 340B Acronyms