
  1. Beginning in 1840, the driving force in the American economy was:

    B) railroad construction.
  2. In the South during the 1850s:

    C) investment in land and slaves precluded capital investment in manufacturing.
  3. The Kansas-Nebraska Act:

    B) repealed the Missouri Compromise and authorized the residents of both territories to determine the status of slavery.
  4. The Republican party advocated all the following ideas EXCEPT:

    B) popular sovereignty was the best way to handle the question of slavery expansion.
  5. The Dred Scott decision:

    A) declared Congress could not prohibit slavery from a territory.
  6. The Lecompton constitution:

    D) was the work of a proslavery minority in Kansas.
  7. John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry:

    C) strengthened disunion sentiment in the South.
  8. All of the following were candidates for president in 1860 EXCEPT:

    C) James Buchanan.
  9. Abraham Lincoln:

    A) won the presidency with less than 40 percent of the popular vote.
  10. Which was NOT part of the Crittenden Compromise?

    B) the admission of Kansas as a slave state.
  11. In his first inaugural address, President Lincoln:

    A) promised not to abolish slavery but vowed to preserve the Union.
  12. All of the following helped cause the Civil War EXCEPT:

    B) the economic independence of each section of the nation.
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