Web Development Fundamentals

  1. 400
    Bad Request
  2. 401 
  3. 402
    Payment Required
  4. 403
  5. 404
    Not Found
  6. 405
    Method Not Allowed
  7. 406
    Not Acceptable
  8. 407
    Proxy Authentication Required
  9. 408
    Request Timeout
  10. 409
  11. 410
  12. 411
    Length Required
  13. 412
    Precondition Failed
  14. 413
    Request Entry Too Large
  15. 414
    Request URI Too Long
  16. 415
    Unsupported Media Type
  17. 416
    Requested Range Not Satisfiable
  18. 417
    Expectation Failed
  19. 449
    Retry With
  20. What are three types of Cascading Style Sheets
    • •External Style Sheets
    • •Embedded Style Sheets
    • •Inline Style Sheets
  21. Discribe External style sheets
    • Documents are linked to a style sheet file.
    • Used when the style is applied to multiple pages.
    • Offers easy sharing, easy to update, allow selective loading.
    • Has no overriding power (will be overridded by intenal and inline SS)
  22. Discribe Internal/Embedded Style Sheets
    • Embedded within HTML usually at the top in a seperate section
    • Overrides External but not inline SS
  23. Discribe Inline Style Sheets
    • Embedded within HTML body
    • Overrides all other style sheet settings
  24. What are the 5 Intrinsic Objects
    • HttpContext
    • Response
    • Request
    • Server
    • Application
    • Session objects
  25. What are ASP.NET Objects
    Programming tools within the program to reduce the size of the application, reduce the errors, and reduce coding time.
  26. What is .NET
    The .NET framework is a programming platform containing thousands of objects and libraries. Of the dozens of programming languages that support this platform, the most common are C# and Visual Basic.
  27. The System.Web namespace includes....
    • HttpContext - information about the contents of a page
    • HttpRequest - information abouta request for a page
    • HttpResponse - information about the transmission of the page
    • HttpServerUtility - information about the access to server-side utilities to process the content of the page and user requests.
  28. Response Object (i.e. HttpResponse)
    A top-level object in the HttpContext.Current object. It contains properties and methods relating to browser output. The two most popular uses of this object are to write text directly to the Web page using its Response.Write method and to redirect the browser to another page using its Response.Redirect method.
  29. Request Object (i.e HttpRequest)
    A top-level object from the HttpContext.Current object. It contains properties and methods related to the browser. This includes retrieving information about the browser, reading cookies, and passing values directly from the Web page. The Request object can also be used with the Response object to display browser information on the Web page.
  30. Application Object
    A top-level object of HttpContext.Current. It contains properties and methods related to the currently running application.
  31. Session Object
    A top-level object from the HttpContext.Current object. It contains properties and methods related to individual users or instances of a Web site.
  32. Application state
    • A data repository for the application.
    • Application state is a server-side technique that uses the Web server to store data.
    • Saves data for every-one using the application.
    • Always available and never times out.
  33. View state
    • A data repository for Web form controls.
    • Client-side technique.
    • Every control has a Boolean property that, when turned on, saves the state of the control on the Web page.
    • Designed to save the state of the form and all its controls between postbacks automatically.
  34. Control state
    • A data repository for Web form controls.
    • Control state is a client-side technique.
    • Every control automatically saves the state of the control on the Web page.
    • Control state cannot be disabled
Card Set
Web Development Fundamentals
This is the first set of flash cards for Web Development Fundamentals not from the text