Child Development Test 2

  1. For children around the world, what factors affect their growth?
    Genetic background, nutrition, and health care
  2. By Age 5, the brain has reached about ___ %of its adult weight?
  3. What does Corpus Callosum do?

    Pg 226
    Corpus Callosum is a long, thick band of nerve fibers that connect the left and right hemispheres of the brain and allows communication between them
  4. What is Lateralization?

    Pg 226
    Lateralization - Literally sidedness, referring to the specialization in certain functions by each sid of the brain, with one side dormant for each activity the side of the brater controls the right side of the body, and vice versa
  5. What is the difference between Gross Motor skills and Fine Motor skills?
    Gross Motor is walking

    Fine Motor is being able to button a coat
  6. What is Child Maltreatment?
    Intentional harm, avoidable endagerment, and abuse and neglect
  7. What does the term "child maltreatment" include?

    Pg 240
    Child Abuse

    Child Neglect
  8. What is Child Abuse? 
    Deliverate action that is harmful to a child's physical emotional, or sexual well-being
  9. What is Child Neglect?
    Failure to meet a child's basic physical, educational, or emotional needs.
  10. What is "Shaken Baby Syndrome"?
    A life-threatening injury that occurs when an infant is forcefully shaken back and forth, a motion that ruptures blood vessels in the brain and breaks neural connections
  11. In the United States, foster care families appear to be?
    Declining in numbers
  12. A.  Using Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development, what stage might a child be if the child is between 2 & 6?

    B.  Be able to list all four stages
    Preoperational Intelligence
  13. List all four stages Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

    Pg 47
    Sensorimotor Birth to 2

    PreOperational Intelligence 2-6

    Concrete Operational  6-11

    Formal Operational 12-Adult
  14. What is conservation?

    Pg 250
    The principle that the amount of a substance remains the same (i.e. is conserved) when its appearance changes
  15. What is the reason that preschoolers have poor memories?
    They lack strategies for storing and retrieving memories. 
  16. What is Fast Mapping?

    Pg 261
    The speedy and somethimes imprecise way in which children learn new words by tentatively placing in mental catagories according to their perceived meaning.
  17. What is a common problem with Fast Mapping?

    Pg 261 - 262
    The child may misuse the word

    (may not fully understand its meaning)
  18. What is Overregularization?

    Pg 264
    The application of rules of grammer even when exceptions occur, making the language seem more "regular" than it actually is.
  19. What should parents do when children overregularize?

    Pg 278
    Correct them
  20. What is Project Head Start? 

    Pg 271
    A preschool education program funded by the US Federal government
  21. Why was the Head Start program designed?

    Pg 271
    Head Start was designed for low-income or minority childred who were thought to need a "head start" on their formal education.

    After a year of Headstart, it was discovered that children's IQ scores increased.
  22. What is Self-concept?

    Pg 278
    Self-concept is a person's understanding of who he or she is, in relation to self-esteem, appearance, personality, and various traits.
  23. What is Self-esteem?

    Pg 278
    Self-esteem - A person's evaluation of his or her own worth, either in specifics (e.g., intelligence, attractiveness) or overall
  24. What is the difference between Self-concept and Self-esteem?
    "Who one is"  versus  "How one feels about that"
  25. What occurs in "Initiative versus Guilt"? 
    (Erickson's Third Psychosocial Crisis)

    Pg 278
    Children undertake new skills and activities and feel guilty when they do not succeed at them.
  26. What must happen during "Initiative versus Guilt" (Erickson's Third Psychosocial Crisis) so the child has a positive resolution in this stage?

    Pg 278
    • Parents should encourage the 3 to 6 year old's natural enthusiam, efffort, and self-evaluations, which are typical at that age.
    • Parents must not dismiss the child's emotional expressions (whether fear or excitement, anger, or joy) or the child may not learn emotional regulation
  27. What is empathy and how is it expressed?

    Pg 294
    Empathy - The ability to understand the emotions and concerns of another person, expecially when the difffer from one's own.

    It is expressed in "Prosocial Behavior" helpfulness and kindness without any obvious benefit for oneself. 
  28. One effect Television watching has on young childred is that? 

    Pg 292 
    Television watching reduces time for play.
  29. What is Agression?

    Pg 295
    • Aggression refers to a range of behaviors that can result in both physical and psychological harm to oneself, other or objects in the environment. The expression of aggression can occur in a number of ways, including verbally, mentally and physically.
  30. What are the four general types of Agression?

    Pg 295
    Instrumental Agression  - Hurtful behavior that is intended to get or keep something that another person has.

    Reactive Agression - An implusive retaliation for another person's intentional accidental action, verbal or physical

    Relational Agression - Nonphysical acts, such as insults or social rejection aimed a harming the social connections between the victim and others 

    Bullying Aggression - Unprovoked, repeated physical or verbal attack, especially on victims who are unlikely to defend themselves.

  31. What is the effect of Television watching on young children?

    Pg 293
    Children who spend a lot of time watching television and playing video games are likely to develop a visual learning style.  They get used to receiving information in the form of vivid images and t vrief scenes, making it harder for them to concentrate on and comprehend anything that is longer and presented in verbal form.

    Young children whow watch television violence tend to become more violent, less creative, and lower achieving teenagers
  32. What happens when a child watches violence on TV?  Is the child likely to become more agressive in behavior?
    Young children whow watch television violence tend to become more violent, less creative, and lower achieving teenagers

    Children of all ages who watch violence on television become more violent themselves.  They are more likely to get into fights with each other and even to break things and hurt people when they grow up
  33. What is the difference between the Authoritarian, Permissive, and Authoritative parenting styles?

    Pg 289

    Authoritarian Parenting is an approach to child rearing that is characterized by high behavioral standards, strict punishment of misconduct, and little communication

    Permissive Parenting is a approach to child rearing that is characterized by high nuturance and commumication, but little dicipline, guidance or control 

    Authoritative Parenting is an appproagch to child rearing in which the parents set limits but listen to the child and are flexible
  34. How do children learn gender differences?

    Pg 299 - 302
    Psychoanalytic Theory - Children of both sexes cope with their guilt and fear due to  Oedipus & Electra Complexes through "Identification"; that is, they ally themselves with the same-sex parent by taking on that parent's behavior and attitudes.  because them cannot actually replace their same-sex parents, young boys copy their father's mannerisms, opinions, actions, and so on, and girls copy their mother's.  Both sexes exaggerate the male or female role.

    Behaviorism - believe that virtually all roles are learned and therefore result from nurture not nature.  To Behaviorists, gender distinctions are the product of ongoing reinforcement and punishment. Behaviorists believe that children learn about proper behavior not only directly (gender appropriate toys) but also indirectly through Social Learning Children model their behavior particularly after that of people they perceive to be nurturing, powerful, and yet similar to themselves.

    • Cognitive Theory -  Children develop concepts about their experiences. (Gender Schema)  Young children have many gender related experiences but not much cognitive depth and tend to see the world in simple terms (black & white) and catagorize Male and Female as opposite. Their self-concept leads young children to a cognitive need to categorize themselves as male and female and then behave in a way that fits their concept
  35. As far as differences in physical abilities, the average boy is superior to the average girl in what physical capacity?

    The average girl is superior to the average boy in what physical capacity?
    • The average boy is superior in upper arm strength.
    • The average girl is superior in flexibility
  36. What does "a child with special needs" mean?

    Pg 326
    Children who because of a physical or mental disability require extra help in order to learn
  37. How do you diagnose a disability?
    Look at  symptoms and context

    If a child of 10 reads at a first grade level, he probably has a disability in reading.

    The "nunances of an individual's cultural frame of reference"  must be considered before a diagnosis can be made.  DSM-IV-TR 
  38. If Austic, what might a child in early childhood have trouble doing?
    Communication and Social Understanding
  39. How is Mental Retardation Defined?

    Pg 324
    Mental Retardation - Literally, slow, or late, thinking.  In practice, people are considered mentally retarded if they score below 70 on an IQ test and if they are marked behind their peers in adaptation to daily life.

    Chronological Age and ability differ
  40. What does an achievement test measure?

    Pg 323
    A measure of mastery or proficiency in reading, mathematics, writing, science, or some other subject  
  41. What is Dyslexia?

    Pg 330
    Dyslexia - Unusal difficulty with reading thought to be the result of some neurological underdevelopment
  42. What is the underlying problem for the symptoms associated with ADHD? (Neurological)

    Pg 328
    Slow developing prefrontal cortex, an overactive limbic system, or an inbalance of neurotransmitters
  43. What stage of Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory might a child be in if they were between ages of 7-11?  At this age the child is able to use their brain more efficiently.
    Concrete thinkers may ask the question "What if" 

    Pg 47
    Concete Operational: 6-11 Children understand apply logical operation, or principles to interpret experiences objectively and rationally.  There thinking is limited to what they cn paersonally see, hear, touch and experience
  44. What re the stages of Kohlberg's Reasoning Theory?  Kohlberg examined how the person thinks about moral questions.
  45. Prosocial refers to acts of sharing and caring performed to benefit someone else rather than the one who performs them
  46. What does Erickson's Stage of Industry vs. Inferiority consist of? (school work success versus school work difficulty)

    Pg 373
    Children attempt ot master many new skills, developing a sense of themselves as either industrious or inferior, competent, or incompetent.   

    Children judge themselseves as either industrious or inferior - that is, competent or incompetent, productive or failing, winners or losers. Being productive is intrinsically joyous and it fosters the self control that is a cruical defense against emotional problems
  47. What is a Peer Group?
  48. Compared to younger children, older children more often choose friends of the same sex and background as themselves
  49. What is the difference between "Aggressive-Rejected" and "Withdrawn-Rejected"?  A victim of bullying may be a child of "Rejected-Withdrawn"
  50. What are some functions of family and why may poverty make parenting harder?
  51. What does "Family Structure" refer to?
  52. What is usually a financial difference  between sindgle parent home and two parent homes?
    Two parent homes may have a higher income
  53. What is a Nuclear Family, Blended Family, and Extended Family?
  54. What might be some family causes of children experiencing distress?
    Parents fighting
  55. Immediately following a divorce, a child's school achievement level often declines.
  56. What may help a child experiencing stress within a family?  From where does the social support come? 
    (church, library, organizations) (Pets, grandparents, and religious faith are sources of social support)
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Child Development Test 2
Study questions for TCC Class Child Development Test 2