Systematic Theology I- Lecture 1

  1. Recognize :

    ‘that discipline which strives to give a coherentstatement of the doctrines of the Christian faith, basedprimarily on the Scriptures, placed in the context ofculture in general, worded in a contemporary idiom,and related to issues of life.
     …., relates to general culture andlearning, must be contemporary and is practical.’Millard Erickson,
    the definition of systematic theology.
  2. Recognize systematic theology’s subjects and their associated “ologies.”   :                  

  3. Recognize systematic theology’s subjects and their associated “ologies.”   :

  4.  Recognize systematic theology’s subjects and their associated “ologies.”   :

  5. Recognize systematic theology’s subjects and their associated “ologies.”   :


  6. Recognize systematic theology’s subjects and their associated “ologies.”   :

  7. Recognize systematic theology’s subjects and their associated “ologies.”   :

  8. Recognize systematic theology’s subjects and their associated “ologies.”   :

    The Church
  9. Recognize systematic theology’s subjects and their associated “ologies.”   :

    The last things
  10. Recognize
    :  Being influenced by a long history and manyphilosophies, it tends to begin with its basic categoriesand then look for biblical texts to inform thosecategories.
    the drawbacks of systematic theology and the postmodern perspective on theology.
  11. Recognize :

      It therefore begins with a human construct and seeksbiblical information to feed that construct.
    the drawbacks of systematic theology and the postmodern perspective on theology.
  12. Recognize 
     As a result its methodology is “atomistic” (quote N. T.Wright). It does not begin with the exegesis of thebiblical text.
    the drawbacks of systematic theology and the postmodern perspective on theology.
  13. Recognize :
     Biblical texts tend to be quoted from many differentcontexts to make up a given chapter on a particularsubject, like God, man, sin etc.
    the drawbacks of systematic theology and the postmodern perspective on theology.
  14. Recognize  : This approach has come under criticism as the influenceof postmodern thinking has grown, which prefers narrative theology.
    the drawbacks of systematic theology and the postmodern perspective on theology.
  15. Describe biblical theology (in 1 paragraph).
    (Slide 25)  Biblical theology starts with the books of the bible andseeks to remain within the thinking of the biblicalwriters._ It seeks to discover connecting threads within thediversity of the many books of scripture._ It looks for the total story, the meta-narrative, the bigpicture of the biblical story._ This was biblical theology: “And beginning with Mosesand all the Prophets, he explained to them what wassaid in all the Scriptures concerning himself” (Luke24.27).
  16. Recognize:

     After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee,proclaiming the good news of God. "The time has come," he said."The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the goodnews!“ (Mark 1:14-15)_ Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues,preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing everydisease and sickness among the people (Matthew 4:23)_ Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven(5:3)._ These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: … Asyou go, preach this message: `The kingdom of heaven is near.'(10:5-7)._ He also said, "This is what the kingdom of God is like. A manscatters seed on the ground … (Mark 4:26). This, then, is how you should pray:‘Our Father in heaven,hallowed be your name,your kingdom come,your will be doneon earth as it is in heaven’ (Matthew 6:9-10).
    - the theme of Jesus’ mission and message and how it is reflected in the Lord’s Prayer
  17. Recognize :
     ‘The time is fulfilled,the kingdom of God is at hand’(Mark 1:15) Both the ‘time’ and the ‘kingdom’assumes the whole history of Israel andits growing Messianic expectation
    Jesus’ announcement in Mk 1:15 and what it assumes.
  18. Recognize:
     The Exodus EventThe Davidic Monarchy The
    Prophetic Promise
    the three windows in the Old Testament’s growing vision of the coming Kingdom of God
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Systematic Theology I- Lecture 1
Systematic Theology I- Lecture 1