ONCO Therapies.txt

  1. Systemic therapy (chemo, hormonal, immune) that is directed to eradicate micro-metastatic disease or to kill off residual tumor cells post surgery or radiation therapy. Frequently given with no or little evidence of disease to decrease chance of recurrence.
    Adjuvant Therapy
  2. Systemic, pre-operative therapy designed to de-bulk of decrease tumor vascularity in addition to killing micro-metastatic spread. Also called pre-operative therapy.
    Neoadjuvant Therapy
  3. The utilization of agents or procedures, both local and systemic (chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, pain management) to give temporary symptomatic relief and provide comfort.
    Palliative Therapy
  4. Any therapy that may arrest the cancer, frequently involves non-traditional medicine, extremely high dose chemotherapy, investigal agents.
    Salvage Therapy
  5. No clinical evidence of malignancy for 1 month after final treatment. Solid organ tumors.
    Complete Response/Remission (CR)
  6. 50% reduction in measurable tumors; no new lesions, metastasis, or disease progression (NOTE: Stages I-IV for solid organ tumor only, not for blood tumors)
    Partial Response (PR)
  7. Clinical CR (CCR)
    Documented by physical or radiologic exam only
  8. Pathological CR (PCR)
    Documented by biopsy and Clinical CR
  9. Stable Disease
    Mass that does not increase (or decrease) in size by 25%
  10. Disease Progression
    Mass that increases in size by 25%, or reappearance of a lesion after CR
  11. Cure
    No relapse or recurrence from last treatment to year 5
  12. Disease-Free Survival
    Time from CR until disease relapse or death
  13. Overall Survival
    Time from treatment until time of death
  14. BSA Formula
    BSA = SQRT( (cm*kg)/3600 )
  15. Lowest point of normal function > 10-14 days from chemotherapy
  16. Nadir values (hold chemo if below)
    ANC > 1500/mm3 ... WBC > 3000/mm3 ... PL > 100,000/mm3
Card Set
ONCO Therapies.txt
Cancer I and III handouts