China and Japan

  1. Daoism
    The Idea of yin and yang
  2. Yin and Yang
    • Male and Female.
    • Not only the principle object but also its complementry opposite.
  3. Tone Language
    The pitch at which a sylible is sounded is important in determaning its meaning as its combined with other components suach as duration and stress.
  4. Confucianism
    Kong Fuzi created. Fixed social hierarchy where wife to husband or son to father. Common man to ruler and ruler to heaven. Loyalty goes up and social responcibility the passed downward each looking after the ones one step below them.
  5. Buddism
    the human was imperfect and through religious practice could embark on a journey of self improvement through several incarnations toward a purified future.
  6. Abing
    • ( Hua Yanjaun) Blind Abing.
    • Born in 1890's
    • raised in a daoist temple, trained to be an accomplished musician, went blind in adult hood and started to perform on the streets.
    • Played the Pipa and Erhu.
    • died in 1950.
    • Thought of as a Daoist, Revelutionary, Romantic, Drug Addict.
    • Played both traditional folk and modern music.
  7. pipa
    pear shaped lute that can play both melodie and harmony sim.
  8. Erhu
    • Chinese violin with bow attached to the strings.
    • 2 strings.
    • Used in traditional music.
    • Solo Foreign inspired.
    • played in Bejing Opera,  and beggers played.
    • In Fusion high string was replaced with violin E-string.
  9. Pentatonic
    5 note scale.
  10. Sizhu
    • silk and bamboo music.
    • Instruments are made originally from these materials.
    • From the Jiangnan region in Eastern China.
    • Pipa, Erhu, Ruan, Sheng. 
    • Used to be a hired ensemble but now all ameture musicians.
    • Weddings and Local Operas, Inside. background
  11. Sheng
    Mouth organ used in Sizhu
  12. Beiguan
    • Wind and Perccusion,
    • out door,
    • ritual music/ funerals and fesival festivities.
    • Known for being strong.
    • Gongche is the scale that helps them learn the music.
  13. Suona
    Double reed instrument in a Beiguan
  14. gongche
    • similar to do re mi:
    • each symbol records a tones relative position in a scale. Beiguan.
  15. onomatopoeic syllables
    • syllables that sound like the sounds they represent.
    • Tought to drummers in beiguan
  16. Beijing Opera
    • Jingju. Singing with costumes and sets but its not really an opera.
    • Perfomed everywhere.
    • Training from a young age and very riggerous.
    • Make up makes the character.
    • Stories are from legends and myths.
    • Changed with communist regime.
    • Used for propoganda/ looks like a musical
  17. Qin
    • Zither with 7 strings
    • Dragon Pool and Pheniex pond ( yin and yang)
    • Technique is similar to chinese calligraphy
    • rep: Short intro/ 3 main setions/ coda with free meter
    • literati played them, ametures
    • Jainzipu is the notation, read right to left. 
  18. Pastibutbut
    Bunan people of taiwan chant to the sky god for good fortune in harvest and hunting.
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China and Japan