Fire detection and suppression systems Ch. 1

  1. Fire prevention
    Elimination of all hostile fires through education, engineering, and enforcement
  2. Mitigate
    To become less harsh/hostile or to make less severe.

  3. First alarm system installed
  4. First commercially successful auto sprinkler system patent date
  5. First heat indicator patent
    George Darby, 1902
  6. Battery powered smoke alarms introduced
  7. Iroquois Theatre Fire, Chicago Illinois, 1903
    602 dead

    Playhouse made of oils painted canvas.

    Lit by hot stage light.

    No auto sprinklers

    Fire curtain malfunction

    Ventilation malfunction
  8. Triangle shirtwaist factory, New York, 1911
    145 dead

    High rise on 8,9, and 10th floor

    Employee tossed cigarette into trash can
  9. Cocoanut grove nightclub, Boston Massachusetts, 1942
    492 dead

    Walls made of paper decorations

    Ignited when someone struck a match

    1,000 occupants (twice the capacity)

    Single exit, revolving door
  10. Winecoff hotel, Atlanta Georgia, 1946
    Deadliest hotel fire in USA

    119 dead

    One exit stairway

    No suppression system

    No fire alarm
  11. Katie Jane memorial home, warrenton Missouri, 1957
    Deadliest nursing home fire in USA

    72 dead

    Cause-faulty wiring

    No sprinkler or alarm
  12. Our Lady of Angels School, Chicago, Illinois, 1958
    Deadliest school fire in USA

    Started in a basement trash can in the stairwell

    No sprinkler/alarm systems

    Delayed notification of F.D

    92 kid 3 Nuns dead 
  13. Beverly Hills Supper Club, Southgate, Kentucky, 1977
    3,000 Capacity

    No sprinkler/alarm system

    Inadequate egress and exit indification

    Delayed activation of F.D

    Fire began in unoccupied room

    165 dead 
  14. MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1980
    • 87 Dead
    • 700 Injured

    No sprinklers in casino area

    Unprotected vertical shafts

    One way doors to stairwell
  15. Station Nightclub, West Warwick, Rhode Island, 2003
    100 dead

    Pyrotechnics from concert ignited soundproof foam

    Single exit
  16. The President's Conference on Fire Prevention
    1947 created by Harry Truman

    Group that reviews fire problems in USA

    Identifies deficiencies in fire service

    ALL municipal agencies be grouped into one fire prevention code

    Recommended the widespread use of fire extinguishing equipment, hoses, standpipes, automatic sprinklers and alarm systems in buildings.
  17. Three E's of Prevention


  18. National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control
    Richard Nixon, 1970 

    Improvement of fire protection features of buildings

    Recommended Economic incentives for protection systems installed
  19. Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974
    Passed as result of Nixons National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control
  20. Automatic fire detection and alarm systems
    Activated by smoke or radiant heat

    Alert occupants and/or fire department of fire

    DOES NOT suppress or impede fire growth
  21. Automatic fire suppression systems
    Works to suppress fire hazard

    Does not require human intervention for effectivness
  22. Manual fire alarm systems
    Requires manual activation once fire has been detected 
  23. Manual fire suppression systems
    Mechanism require human operation

    Standpipe, fire extinguisher, fire hose
  24. Smoke control/exhaust systems
    Mechanically remove smoke/products of combustion

    Reduces fire spread

    Enchances survivability rate of occupants
  25. Five categories of Fire detection/suppression systems
    Auto fire detection and alarm system

    Autio fire suppression system

    Manual fire alarm 

    Manual fire suppression system

    Smoke control/exhaust system
  26. Standard
    set of principles, protocols or procedures developed by committees through a consensus process.

    describe how to do something/provide a minimum set of principles to be followed.
  27. Code
    law or body of regulations for a political subdivision such as a municipality or county.
  28. Transcription 
    Method that Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) adopts a code to become new regulation.
  29. Referance
    AHJ refers to a code and states the code is legally enforceable.
  30. Consensus standard
    Rules, principles, or measures established through agreement of memebers of the Standards-setting Organization.
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Fire detection and suppression systems Ch. 1
Fire detection/suppression