direction and movement

  1. anatomical position
    standing erect, arms at the sides, with palms facing forward
  2. prone
    denoting the position of the body when lying flat, with face downward
  3. supine
    denoting the position of the body when lying flat, with face up
  4. anterior
    situation in front of or directed toward the front
  5. posterior/dorsal
    rear or back
  6. superior
    upper, nearer to crown of head
  7. inferior
    lower, farther from crown of head
  8. transverse
    divides body into upper and lower parts
  9. midline
    divides the body into left and right sides
  10. external
  11. internal
  12. superficial
    nearer to the surface
  13. medial
    nearer to the midline
  14. lateral
    farther from the midline
  15. proximal
    nearer to the limb root
  16. distal
    farther from the limb root
  17. flexion
    bending or angulations
  18. extension
    to straighten
  19. supinator
    turning of the palm of the hand upwards by lateral forearm rotation
  20. pronator
    turning of the palm of the hand downward by medial forearm rotation
Card Set
direction and movement
essential terms of direction and movement