Ballet body review

  1. Therefore, a dancer's body needs a certain _____________--in the spine to achieve an arabesque line and a fluid carriage of the arms; in the hip joints to allow an efficient turnout and extension of the legs; and in the ankles and feet for quick, articulate allegro, including soft landings from jumps.
  2. A dancer's body must be able to function reliably to have ____________ to meet the day-to-day physical demands of ballet technique.
    the strength and overall health and fitness
  3. The four health-related components of physical fitness essential for ballet performers are:
    Cardio respiratory endurance; Muscular strength and muscular endurance; Flexibility; and Body composition
  4. The term _________ frequently is used when referring to approaches that accept the importance of the interrelatedness of body, mind, spirit, and environment.
  5. Central to his [Alexander] technique is the concept of "primary control," a term that refers to ___________ in relation to the entire body.
    _the correct use of the head and neck___
  6. Central to his [Alexander] technique is the concept of ____________, a term that refers to the correct use of the head and neck in relation to the entire body.
    "primary control"
  7. The "Bartenieff Fundamentals" refers to a series of movement sequences aimed at developing ________________ with particular attention given to movement quality.
    more efficient movement patterns
  8. ____________ involves mentally concentrating on visualizing a movement without physically performing it.
  9. After the injury is healed,__________ can help break down scar tissue
  10. ___________ often begin with breathing exercises and some type of warm-up exercise, followed by a series of asanas, each held for a few seconds to several minutes.
    Hatha yoga
  11. To be effective, ________ should occur at least three times a week.
    aerobic exercise
  12. Within the framework of these given body attributes, _____________ are the keys to increasing and maintaining flexibility because they can be lengthened through regular stretching exercises.
    muscles and their connective tissues
  13. Also known as weight training or resistance exercise, this type of conditioning ________________________.
    increases and maintains lean-muscle strength
  14. Before you workout, remember to ________ the muscles you plan to strengthen.
    warm up and gently stretch
  15. After you workout, allow time to___________
    cool down and gently stretch again
  16. _______ are done with control and concentration, with special focus on the torso to strengthen the center of the body.
    Pilates exercises
  17. _______ also is used to rehabilitate the body after injury.
    Floor-Barre Technique
  18. When these [barre] exercises are neglected before a rehearsal or performance or by a latecomer to class, ________
    injury is invited
  19. ________ is the dancer's fundamental safeguard against injury
    Correct execution of each exercise
  20. Pain may well be the body's warning __________
    to cease a certain activity
  21. A cramp may be relieved by immediate _______ of the cramped muscle, accompanied by massage.
    gentle stretching
  22. Immediate treatment should include the _________ procedure just described (__________________________________), then immobilization of the joint to avoid further tearing of the ligament.
    R-I-C-E ; rest, ice, compression and elevation
  23. Although it is relatively rare for a dancer to break a bone, it is relatively common for a dancer to have ______________________
    stress fractures
  24. Landing incorrectly from jumps and dancing on a hard floor can lead to _____
  25. A knee is strongest _______, therefore rond de jambe � terre practiced incorrectly with a relaxed knee invites stress to the surrounding ligaments.
    when straight
  26. A painful click in the knee may signal __________
    cartilage damage
  27. Different types of bunions can occur _______, usually at the base of the big toe but sometimes at the little toe.
    at stress points
  28. Most dancers keep their toenails ________
    cut very short
  29. Diet, to the dancer, should mean __________
    a habitual way of eating so that the body maintains itself with maximum energy and efficiency
  30. Two types of eating disorders sometimes associated with a dancer's obsession with thinness are ________, a type of self-starvation, and _______, characterized by eating great quantities of food followed by laxative abuse. self-induced vomiting, or both.
    anorexia nevosa ; bulimia
  31. A person subject to listlessness, frequent illness, and a generally low energy level may be suffering from ________
    poor nutrition
  32. Smoking is especially harmful for dancers because it is directly linked to cardiovascular disease (disease of the heart and blood vessels), lung cancer, and _____
    bone density loss
  33. The image of the thin, frail-looking dancer of the 1960s and 1970s has changed; dancers now are _______________
    larger, healthier and more individual looking
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Ballet body review
terms from homework #5