
  1. US population and households
    315 mn and 100 mn
  2. US GDP and growth
    $15.0 tn and 2%
  3. US mobile
    280 mn
  4. US internet
    250 mn
  5. Brazil population and households
    200 mn and 70 mn
  6. Brazil GDP and growth
    $2.3 tn and 3%
  7. Brazil mobile
    200 mn
  8. Brazil internet
    75 mn
  9. Russia population and households
    140 mn and 40 mn
  10. Russia GDP and growth
    $2.4 tn and 4%
  11. Russia mobile
    240 mn
  12. Russia internet
    40 mn
  13. India population and households
    1.2 bn and 400 mn
  14. India GDP and growth
    $4.5 tn and 8%
  15. India mobile
    750 mn
  16. India internet
    60 mn
  17. China population and households
    1.3 bn and 430 mn
  18. China GDP and growth
    $11.3 tn and 9%
  19. China mobile
    850 mn
  20. China internet
    400 mn
  21. Japan population and households
    130 mn and 40 mn
  22. Japan GDP and growth
    $4.4 tn and 0%
  23. Japan mobile
    120 mn
  24. Japan internet
    100 mn
  25. Germany population and households
    80 mn and 25 mn
  26. Germany GDP and growth
    $3.0 tn and 3%
  27. Germany mobile
    100 mn
  28. Germany internet
    65 mn
  29. France population and households
    65 mn and 20 mn
  30. France GDP and growth
    $2.2 tn and 2%
  31. France mobile
    65 mn
  32. France internet
    45 mn
  33. UK population and households
    65 mn and 20 mn
  34. UK GDP and growth
    $2.2 tn and 1%
  35. UK mobile
    80 mn
  36. UK internet
    50 mn
  37. North America population and households
    530 mn and 175 mn
  38. North America GDP
    $17.5 tn
  39. South America population and households
    400 mn and 130 mn
  40. South America GDP
    $4.7 tn
  41. Europe population and households
    740 mn and 250 mn
  42. Europe GDP
    $20.0 tn
  43. Africa population and households
    1.0 bn and 300 mn
  44. Africa GDP
    $3.0 tn
  45. Asia Pacific population and households
    4.0 bn and 1.3 bn
  46. Asia Pacific GDP
    $24.0 tn
  47. World population and households
    7.0 bn and 2.3 bn
  48. World mobile
    5.6 bn
  49. World internet
    2.0 bn
Card Set
Market facts