lab6 functions

  1. levator scapulae
    elevates scapula
  2. pectoralis minor
    • depresses and protracts shoulder
    • rotates scapula
    • elevates ribs if scapula is stationary
  3. rhomboid major
    adducts scapula and performs downward rotation
  4. rhomboid minor
    adducts scapula and performs downward rotation
  5. serratus anterior
    • protracts shoulder
    • rotates scapula
  6. subclavius
    depresses and protracts shoulder
  7. trapezius
    • elecate, retract, depress, or rotate scapula upward
    • elevate clavicle
    • extend neck
  8. deltoid
    • abduction at shoulder
    • (anterior) flexion and medial rotation
    • (posterior) extension and lateral rotation
  9. supraspinatus
    abduction at shoulder
  10. subscapularis
    medial rotation at shoulder
  11. infraspinatus
    lateral rotation at shoulder
  12. teres minor
    lateral rotation at shoulder
  13. teres major
    extension,abductoin and medial rotation at shoulder
  14. coracobrachialis
    adduction and flexion at shoulder
  15. pectoralis major
    flexion, adduction, and medial rotation at shoulder
  16. latissimus dorsi
    extension,adduction and medial rotation at shoulder
  17. biceps branchii
    flexion at elbow and shoulder supination
  18. brachialis
    flexion at elbow
  19. brachioradialis
    flexion at elbow
  20. triceps branchii
    extension at elbow
  21. pronator teres
  22. supinator
  23. flexor carpi radialis
    flexion and abduction at wrist
  24. flexor carpi ulnaris
    flexion and adduction at wrist
  25. palmaris longus
    flexion at wrist
  26. extensor carpi ulnaris
    extension and adduction at wrist
  27. extensor digitorun
    extension at finger joints and wrist
  28. flexor digitorum superficialis
    flexion at prozimal interphalangeal, metacarpophalangeal and wrist joints
  29. gluteus maximus
    extension and lateral rotation at hip
  30. gluteus medius
    abduction and medial rotation at hip
  31. tensor fasciae latae
    • flexion and medial rotation at hip
    • tenses fascia lata
  32. adductor longus
    adduction, flexion and medial rotation at hip
  33. adductor magnus
    adduction, flexion and medial rotation at hip
  34. pectineus
    flexion, medial rotation and adduction at hip
  35. gracilis
    • flexion at knee
    • adduction and medial rotation at hip
  36. iliacus
    flexion at hip
  37. psoas major
    flexion at hip or lumbar intervertebral joint
  38. biceps femoris
    • flexion at knee
    • extension and lateral rotation at hip
  39. semimembranosus
    • flexion at knee
    • extension and medial rotation at hip
  40. semitendinosus
    • flexion at knee
    • extension and medial rotation at hip
  41. sartorius
    • flexion at knee
    • flexion and lateral rotation at hip
  42. rectus femoris
    • extension at knee
    • flexion at hip
  43. vastus intermedius
    extension at knee
  44. vastus lateralis
    extension at knee
  45. castus medialis
    extension at knee
  46. tibialis anterior
    • flexion at ankle
    • inversion of foot
  47. gastrocnemius
    • extension at ankle
    • inversion of foot
    • flexion at knee
  48. soleus
    extension at ankle
  49. fibularis longus
    eversion of foot and extension at ankle
  50. tibialis posterior
    • adduction and inversion of foot
    • extension at ankle
Card Set
lab6 functions