continuous imitation
- a type of polyphony associated with Renaissance style
- a motive or theme is passed from one voice to another
- the series of entries can be referred to as "points of imitation"
- many motives may receive this treatment within a single work
homorhythmic texture
- in a multi-voiced composition, all voices sing in the same rhythm
- a chordal texture (homophonic) results
- coupled with syllabic text setting, this technique delivers the text clearly
- the listener's attention is drawn to the top voice
modal counterpoint
- polyphonic texture based on modes
- counterpoint. from Latin punctus contra punctum (note against note)
word painting
- musical pictorialization
- in vocal works, the music reflects the meaning of the texts
- employed in madrigals, operas, oratorios
- from the Greek word "chroma" (colour)
- melodies/harmonies that include all the notes available within the octave
Franco-Flemish School
- a group of composers who flourished in the 15th and 16th centuries
- in their hands, imitative vocal polyphony flourished and works of lasting significance were composed
- their musical style influenced composers throughout Europe
- "Franco refers to France, "Flemish" refers to Flanders, a region encompassingBelgium and Holland on the modern map of Europe
- leading figures including Johannes Ockeghem, Josquin des Prez, and Jacob Obrecht
- known for vocal polyphony and highly developed contrapuntal style, particularly in the motet and mass
- also referred to as "the Dutch School" and /or "the Netherlanders"
- the most important service in the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church
- includes prayers, readings from the Bible, and re-enactment of the Last Supper referred to as the Eucharist, or Holy Communion
Mass Ordinary
- unchanging prayers of the mass
- the components are: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agus Dei
Mass Proper
- changing, variable prayers of the Mass
- linked to Church calender
- sections include: Gradual, Introit, Communion, Alleluia (or Tract), Offertory
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
- leader of the Protestant Reformation and founder of the Lutheran Church
- posted his "Ninty-five Theses" in 1517
- reforms included conducting the service in German instead of Latin and engaging the congregation by replacing elaborate polyphonic settings of the mass with simpler music: German chorales with monophonic hymn tunes that were easy to sing
- because of the translated bible, the congregation could now actively participate in the music of the service using their native language
The Reformation
- 16th century Christian reform movement in Europe
- led by Martin Luther
- resulted in formation of many new Protestant denominations
The Counter-Reformation
- mid 16th-century reaction of the Catholic Church to the Protestant Reformation
- the Church's attempt to win back support and regain political power
- response to challenges to authority included the Council of Trent
Council of Trent
- a series of meetings of the highest Catholic Church officials
- took place in Trento, Italy from 1545-1563
- condemned "Protestant heresies" and reaffirmed the doctrines of Catholicism
- recommendations regarding liturgical music included:
- - the text should be audible
- - the counterpoint should not be too dense
- - except for the organ, instruments should not be used
- - harmonic writing should avoid intense chromaticism
- - use of secular cantus firmus banned
- - displays of virtuosity should be avoided
musica transalpina
- influential and historically siginficant. This collection had a great influence on English composers of the period, who became inspired to write their own madrigals in their native tongue
- Lain for "music from Beyond the Alps"
- published in London in 1588
- compiled by editor and singer Nicholas Yonge
- represents the first printed collection of Italian madrigals in England
- the first volume contains 57 pieces by 18 Italian composers, including Luca Marenzio
consort of instruments
- Renaissance term for instrumental ensemble
- "whole consort". All instruments from one family, such as a consort of viols
- "broken consort". mixed combination of instruments
- Renaissance family of bowed string instruments
- varied in size from small to big
viola da gamba
- an instrument in the viol family
- had six strings
- held between the legs when played, like a modern cello
- fretted like a guitar
- in England, a generic term used for all plucked keyboard instruments
- smaller and lighter than the harpsicord, simpler in construction, less expensive
- Italian and Flemish virginals came in many shapes; English versions always rectangular
- could be placed on a tabletop or held in the player's lap
Fitzwilliam Virginal Book
- historically significant collection of English keyboard music dating from the early 17th century.
- close to 300 works in the collection
- includes a variety of styles: dances, fantasias, preludes, arrangements of songsand madrigals, and variations
- English keyboard composers of the time are represented, including William Byrd, John Bull, Thomas Morley, and Giles Farnaby
- idiomatic approach to keyboard writing
- style of writing is often virtuosic, including rapid scale passages, ornamentation, and many novel figuration
- fanciful titles include "Carman's Whistle" (William Byrd), "The King's Hunt" (John Bull), and "the Ghost" (William Byrd)