Campasis radicans
Trumpet Creeper
Zone 5
Aggressive twining vine, pinnate leaf, dentate serration, comes to tip, 3-6" long yellow orange flower blooms summer-fall, loves heat. Grows 20-30' long.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Katsura tree
Zone 4
needs humidity, known for aspen-like leaf, pinnate leaf, popular in NW, corky spongy greyish bark, bright yellow fall color. Grows 40-50' high and 20-30' long.
Wisteria floribunda
Japanese Wisteria
Zone 4
Lots of flowers, twining vine, massive woody stem, raceme, flowers in pinks, purples, and whites; peashaped blossom, blooms in spring. Gows 30-40' long.
Philadelphus spp.
Zone 4
quarter sixed white blossom, orange scented, odd dentate style serrated leaf, blooms in summer. Grows 10-12' high and wide.
Berberis thunbergii
Japanese Barberry
Zone 4
Green, thorns, spoon shaped leaves, tiny bell yellow flower in spring, red fall egg shaped fruit, thorns.Grows 3-6' high and wide.
Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea
Redleaf Barberry
Zone 4
Known for red growth, massing, specimin color, barrier plant, tiny bell yellow flower in spring, red fall egg shaped fruit, thorns. Grows 3-6' high and wide.
Berberis thunbergii 'Crimson Pygmy'
Crimson Pygmy Barberry
Zone 4
Same as red leaf just smaller. Grows 2-3' high and wide.
Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow'
Rose Glow Barberry
Zone 4
Varigated pink new growth. tiny bell yellow flower in spring, red fall egg shaped fruit, thorns. Grows 5-6' high and wide.
Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea'
Golden Barberry
Zone 5
Yellow form, tiny bell yellow flower in spring, red fall egg shaped fruit, thorns. Grows 2-3' high and wide.
Berberis x mentorensis
Mentor Barberry
Zone 4
Blunt heavier thicker thorn, starts yellow and goes to red fall color, tiny bell yellow flower in spring, red fall egg shaped fruit. Grows 6-8' high and wide.
Cercidium floridum
Palo Verde
Zone 8
Best show in dormant period (twigs), green sticks, dormant summer-winter, small leaves, yellow spring blooming blossoms, specimin- green twig, street tree, xeric qualities.
Chilopsis linearis
Desert Willow
Zone 5
Xeric, long pods, willow-like leaf, pinkish purpley flower, blooms spring-fall, specimin flower, xeric qualities. Grows 10-20' high and wide.
Fallugia paradoxa
Apache Plume
Zone 5
small shrub, purplish pink, fluffy fruiting structure small pinnate leaf, flowers and fruits at the same time summer-fall (if warm enough semi-evergreen), massing, specimin flower and fruit, informal hedging. Grows 4-5' high and wide.
Fouquieria splendens
Zone 8
Xiric, only has leaves in spring, erect, verticle growing, thorns, red flower, specimin for habit. Formal framing, dormant/dead looking for a number of years. Grows 10-15' high and 5-10' wide.
Koelreuteria paniculata
Golden rain tree
Zone 5
Triangular raceeme, yellow blossom, blooms summer, rounded habit, street tree, strong pinnate leaf with lobing leaflets, forms pods, late summer through fall, specimin for flower and pod. Grows 20-30' high and wide.
Koelreuteria bipinnata
Chinese flame tree
Zone 6
Bipinnate leaf, white blossoms, triangular raceeme, rounded leaflets, large leaves, pink/purpleish pods form. Grows 20-30' high and wide.
Magnolia x soulangiana
Saucer magnolia
Zone 4
Soucer sized flower, blooms in spring, pinkish to pinish white when blooms, lots of fuzz, giant buds, swollen fruit structure. Grows 25-30' high and wide.
Magnolia stellata
Star magnolia
Zone 4
Pedals more straplike, 50 cent size blossom, pinkish to pinkish white blossom, very fragrant, fuzzy pink bud, grows 15-20' high and wide.
Morus alba
Common mulberry
Zone 5
White trunked tree, xeric, large foliage similar to ficus, not as sandpapery, edible mulberries, black-berryish stains, takes a lot of heat, 2 leaf shapes. 30-50' high and wide.
Morus alba 'Chaparral'
Same as common mulberry only in bush form. Grows 10-15' high and 5-10' wide.