
  1. What sign, house, element and polarity does Mars naturally rule?
    Sign - Aries

    House - 1st

    Element - Fire

    Polarity- yin/masculine
  2. What sign, house, element and polarity does Venus naturally rule?
    Sign - Taurus & Libra

    House - 2nd & 7th

    Element - Earth & Air

    Polarity- yang/feminine & yin/masculine
  3. What sign, house, element and polarity does Mercury naturally rule?
    Sign - Gemini & Virgo

    House - 3rd & 6th

    Element - Air & Earth

    Polarity- yin/masculine & yang/feminine
  4. What sign, house, element and polarity does the Moon naturally rule?
    Sign - Cancer

    House - 4th

    Element - Water

    Polarity - yang/feminine
  5. What sign, house, element and polarity does the Sun naturally rule?
    Sign - Leo

    House - 5th

    Element - Fire

    Polarity - yin/masculine
  6. What sign, house, element and polarity does Pluto naturally rule?
    Sign - Scorpio

    House - 8th

    Element - Water

    Polarity - yang/feminie
  7. What sign, house, element and polarity does Jupiter naturally rule?
    Sign - Sagittarius

    House - 9th

    Element - Fire

    Polarity - yin/masculine
  8. What sign, house, element and polarity does Saturn naturally rule?
    Sign - Capricorn

    House - 10th

    Element - Earth

    Polarity - yang/feminine
  9. What sign, house, element and polarity does Uranus naturally rule?
    Sign - Aquarius

    House - 11th

    Element - Air

    Polarity - yin/masculine
  10. What sign, house, element and polarity does Neptune naturally rule?
    Sign - Pisces

    House - 12th

    Element - Water

    Polarity - yang/feminine
Card Set
flash cards for learning basic astrology associations.