Preaching Notes

  1. Robinson's Step 1

    Choose the Text
    • What passage of Scripture should I preach?
    • What are my congregagtion's needs?
    • What phase is your church in: renewal, transition, death, or growth?
    • What is happening in our culture that needs to be addressed?
  2. Robinson's Step 2

    Study Your Text and Gather Your Notes
    • Study the context of your text
    • Interrogate the text; discovery questions who, what, why, and where
    • Use of tools: lexicon, concordance, grammar-syntax, word study, Bible dictionary, commenatries
  3. Robinson's Step 3

    Discover Exegetical Subject and Complement
    • Subject answers, "what are you talking about?"
    • Complement answers, "what are you going to say about what you are talking about?
    • What is your message's focus?
    • What is your message's function?
  4. Robinson's Step 4

    Analyze the Exegetical Idea
    • What does this mean?
    • Is it true?
    • What difference does it make?
    • How does it apply?
  5. Robinson's Step 5

    Formulate the Homiletical Idea
    The statement of a biblical concept in such a way that it accurately reflects the Bible and meaningfully relates to the congregation (state, explain why, and maybe an illustration).
  6. Robinson's Step 6

    Crafting the Sermon's Purpose
    • Why am I preaching this sermon?
    • Why did the author write this?
    • Must be in conjuction with the rest of the Bible.
    • Why was this passage included in the BIble?
  7. Robinson's Step 7

    Shaping the Homiletical Idea
    • Explains the idea
    • A proposition to be proved
    • A principle to be applied
    • A subject to be complemented
  8. Robinson's Step 8
    Outline the Sermon
  9. Robinson's Step 9
    Fill in the sermon outline
  10. Robinson's Step 10

    Prepare the Introduction and Conclusion
    • Central Task of the Introduction:
    • To engage your liesteners in such a way that they will want to listen to the rest of the message and move smoothly into the body of the message.

    • Central Task of the Conclusion:
    • To conclude and call for a decision. You must drive home the goal of the sermon. Answers, "So what?" and "Now what"?
Card Set
Preaching Notes
Preaching Notes and Memory Verses