Theophylline MOA
- PDEase inhibitors; prevents breakdown of CAMP into 5'AMP
- Antagonizes adenosine receptors
Theophylline therapeutic uses
Caffeine MOA
- PDEase inhibitor, promotes wakefulness
- antagonizes adenosine A1 and A2
Caffeine effects
Caffeine uses
Sildenafil MOA
inhibits phosphodiesterase type 5, enhancing effects of nitric oxide-activated increases in cGMP
Sildenafil therapeutic uses
- relaxes mm and inc BF to particular areas of the body (viagra)
- ED
- Revatio: rx pulm art hypertension and improve exercise capacity in men and women.
PDEase inhibitor
Acetazolamide MOA
carbonic anhydrase inhib (makes urine more basic to increase excretion of WA like aspirin)
Acetazolamide uses
CHF, altitude sickness, glaucoma, seizure disorders
Ammonium chloride MOA
makes urine more acidic to inc excretion of WB like amphetamine
cholinergic agonists
cholinergic agonist
carbachol (carbamycholine)
cholinergic agonist
cholinergic agonist
cholinergic agonist
cholinergic agonist
- induces CYP1A2, 2C, 3A4 (when you induce CYP450 isozymes, then drug effect is diminished bc there is more metab of the drug and more plasma Cl due to more active CYP450)
- pharmokinetic tolerance
- inhibits CYP1A2, 3A4 (inc drug effect bc dec hepatic Cl)
- drug toxicity
Phenobarbital MOA
alters sensory cortex, cerebellar, and motor activities; produces sedation, hypnosis, and anesthesia (barbiturate)
Phenobarbital uses
- sedative
- treat/prevent seizures
- short term insomnia rx
stimulates synth of CYP450
stim synth of CYP450
stim synth of CYP450
stim synth of CYP450
(TB rx) stim synth CYP450
stim synth CYP450
cigarette smoke
stim synth CYP450
inhib synth of CYP450
(TB rx) inhib synth of CYP450
Ethanol (acute)
inhib synth of CYP450
(fungal rx) inhib synth CYP450
inhib synth CYP450
blcoks choline uptake so that Ach synthesis is blocked
inhibit Ach release in GI
Amplifies release of Ach in GI
Botunlinim toxin MOA
binds to surface proteins and its light chain shows protease activity to cleave proteins used in storage and therefore release Ach-->cholinergic nt will stop and result in mm paralysis
Botulinim Uses
- blephoraspasm
- strabismus
- cervical dystonia
- laryngela dystonia
- spasmodic torticollis
- myofascial pain syndrome
- hemifacial spasm
Tetanus toxin MOA
acts in conjunction w/ spinal cord to prevent release of inhib nt and results in spastic paralysis
Black widow spider toxin (alpha latrotoxin)
releases lots of Ach by binding to neurexins in PM
Inhibits Achase: slowly reversible carbamate inhibitor
irreversible organophosphate inhib of Achase
agonist of nicotinic and muscarinic receptors
Carbachol uses
causes miosis after surgery in anterior chamber of the eye
- provocholine
- muscarinic agonist
Methacholine uses
proactive agent in dx of bronchial asthma
- urecholine
- muscarinic agonist w/ selective action on GI and GU
Bethanechol Uses
Rx bowel stasis, postoperative paralytic ileus, urinary retention
Bethanechol CI
CHF, hyperthyroidism, asthma, COPD, peptic ulcers
- cholinergic receptor agonist
- IV: initial skel mm contraction then flaccid paralysis for 3-5min from constant depolarization of MEP (uses non competitive blocking of Ach)
Succinylcholine Termination
Determined by concentration of plasma cholinesterase before even at NMJ; diffusion away from NMJ determines true termination
- selective muscarinic agonist
- Pilocar, Isopto Carpine
Pilocarpine Uses
rx of glaucoma, dry mouth from Sjorgren's
Pilocarpine Terminatino
Degraded by hepatic enz and not metabolized by Achase or pseudocholinesterase
- Evoxac
- synthetic muscarinic agonist
Pilocarpine and Glaucoma MOA
- muscarinic receptor agonist
- contracts meridional fibers of ciliary mm-->increases iridocorneal angle and/or tone and alignment of slots-->more aqueous humor now flows through Schlemm
Pilocarpine and glaucoma pharm effects
- IOP decreases by 20% w/ persistent miosis that will give poor night vision
- Contraction of ciliary mm gives fixation of lens for near vision so far vision impaired
Betaxolol MOA
- beta adrenoceptor antagonist
- Betaoptic
- selectively blocks B1 receptors to decrease secretion of aqueous humor
Betaxolol pharm effects
- lowers IOP by 20-30%
- bradycardia if any systemic absorption happens
Timolol MOA
- Beta adrenoreceptor antagonist
- timoptic
- decreases secretion of aquesous humor since it blocks beta
Timolol pharm effect
- lowers IOP by 20-30%
- bronchoconstriction and bradycardia if any systemic absorption happens
Latanoprost MOA
Analog of PGF2
Latanoprost pharm effect
- inc aqueous humor outflow
- lowers IOP by 20-25%
Latanoprost uses
Bimatoprost Uses
Bimatoprost MOA
PGF2 analog, prolongs eye lash growth
bimatoprost pharm effects
inc length and thickness of eyelashes
Epinepherin (glaucoma) MOA
- glaucon, epitrate
- <1% concentration: results in A2 stim-->dec synth of aq humor
- >1% concentration: results in A1 stim--> inc normal outflow of aq humor
Epinepherin Pharm effects
either inc outflow of aq humor or dec its secretion; conc dependent
causes mydriasis from stimulation of A1 in radial mm of iris
Apraclonidine MOA
stimulates A receptors
Apraclonidine pharm effects
reduces amt of aq humor to decrease IOP
Apraclonidine Uses
to decrease IOP after surgery
Acetazolamide MOA
- Diamox
- carbonic anhydrase inhibitor on ciliary epithelium
Acetazolamide pharm effect
decreases production of aq humor
Acetazolamide Uses
to decrease IOP, glaucoma
Dorzolamide MOA
- Trusopt
- carbonic anhydrase inhibitor on ciliary epithelium
Dorzolamide pharm effect
- dec IOP by 10-20%
- decrease production of aq humor
Dorzolamide Uses
glaucoma, lower IOP
Isofluophate (DFP) MOA
Decreases amt of Ach available to contract meridional fibers of ciliary mm
Isofluophate pharm effects
lowers IOP
Isofluophate uses
Isofluophate AE
toxicity and cataracts possible so only use on a pt if nothing else is working
Echothiophate MOA
binds irreversibly to Ach site on pseudoacetylcholinesterase (organophosphate cholinesterase inhibitor)
Echothiophate uses
Mannitol MOA
- osmitrol
- osmotic diuetic agent (elevates glomerular filtrate osmolarity)
Mannitol Uses
kidney failure (diuretic), dec IOP and brain P/swelling
Mannitol pharm effects
hyperosmolarity which leads to cellular dehydration and decreased IOP
Mannitol uses
angle-closure glaucomas
Memantine MOA
- Namenda
- binds N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, may slow Ca++ influx and nerve damage (NMDA receptor antagonist)
- Note: prevents excitotoxicity and neuronal cell death (too much glutamate stimulation at NMDA receptors is bad but this prevents it)
Memantine Uses
Physostigmine MOA
- Synapton
- carbamate Achase inhibitor
Physostigmine AE
Physostigmine Uses
Donepezil MOA
- Aricept
- carbamate Achase inhibitor
Donepezil AE
decreased apathy, hallucinations, anxiety, behavior prob, n/v, diarrhea, mm cramps, fatigue, peeing, bradycardia, anorexia, syncope, insomnia, vivid dreams
Rivastigmine MOA
- Exelon
- carbamate Achase inhibitor
Rivastigmine uses
- razadyne
- carbamate Achase inhibitor
Galantamine Uses
Edrophonium MOA
- tensilon
- carbamate AChase inhibitor; only acts at NMJ via direct stimulation of cholinergic N2 receptors
Edrophonium Uses
- MG
- distinguish btw MG and cholinergic crisis
- reverse mm paralysis from competive nm blocking agents (like D-tubocurarine)
Neostigmine MOA
- prostigmin
- carbamate Achase inhibitor
- Agonist at cholinergic N2 receptors (inhib Achase) at peripheral sites (results in increased Ach at N2 receptors of NMJ and muscarinics-heart, salivary)
Neostigmine Uses
- postoperative paralytic ileus
- atony of GI/GU
- MG
- reversal of mm paralysis from competitive nm blocking stuff like D-tubocurarine
- mestinon
- carbamate Achase inhibitorAgonist at cholinergic N2 receptors (inhib Achase) at peripheral sites (results in increased Ach at N2 receptors of NMJ and muscarinics-heart, salivary)
Carbaryl MOA
- sevin
- irreversible organophosphate inhibitor of Ach (carbamate Achase inhibitor)
Dimpylate MOA
- diazinon
- organophosphate Achase inhibitors
- Active site of Achase is phosphorylated and rate of hydrolysis of enzyme is not really slow
Parathion MOA
organophosphate Achase inhibitor (phosphorylates AS to make enzyme slow)
Parathion pharm effects
converted to active metabolite paraoxon by CYP450
Malathion MOA
- organophosphate Achase inhibitor
- As of Achase is phosphorylated and rate of hydrolysis of enzyme is now really slow
Malathion AE
- Serious: burns
- Common: skin irritations
Pralaxidome MOA
- protopam
- accelerates hydrolysis of phosphate enzyme at NMJ (does not enter CNS)
Pralidoxime uses
antidote to insectide poisoning
Atropine MOA
muscarinic antagonist; tertiary
Scopolamine MOA
muscarinic receptor antagonist
Scopolamine pharm effects
- reverses block from D-tubocurarine
- tranquilizer
Scopolamine uses
surgery, motion sickness, parkinsonism, spastic muscle states, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis
rx anteiror uveitis, keratitis, choroiditis (relaxes sphincter and ciliary mm to decrease pain)
Cyclopentolate MOA
muscarinic receptor antagonist; tertiary
Cyclopentolate uses
DOC for mydriasis in eye exam bc short duration
Atropine uses
rx anteiror uveitis, keratitis, choroiditis (relaxes sphincter and ciliary mm to decrease pain)
Tropicamide MOA
muscarinic receptor antagonist; tertiary
inhibits response of sphincter and ciliary eye mm
Tropicamide uses
used in fundoscopic exam for mydriasis because shortest duration
Benztropine MOA
muscarinic receptor antagonist; tertiary
Trihexyphenidyl MOA
muscarinic receptor antagonist; tertiary
treats mm stiffness as in Parkinson's
Dicyclomine MOA
- muscarinic receptor antagonist; tertiary
- bentyl
Dicyclomine Uses
- relieves GI muscle spasms
- rx IBS
Hyoscyamine MOA
- muscarininc receptor antagonist; tertiary
- levsin
Hyoscyamine Uses
- relief from muscle spasms
- reduces the fluid secretions of many organs and glands
- including peptic ulcers, IBS
- control mm spasms in the bladder, kidneys, GI, and to reduce stomach acid.
- reduce tremors and rigid mm in Parkinson's
- drying agent to control excessive salivation, runny nose, or excessive sweating
Oxybutynin MOA
- muscarinic receptor antagonist; tertiary
- Ditropan XL
Oxybutynin pharm effect
blocks muscarinic receptors and gives antispasmodic effect on detrusor mm so that spontaneous contractions in the bladder are decreased and allows increased bladder storage and decreased frequency
Oxybutynin Uses
overactive bladder
Tolterodine MOA
- muscarininc receptor antagonist; tertiary
- detrol
Tolterodine AE
somnolence, dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation
Tolterodine usese
overactive bladder
Solifenacin MOA
muscarinic receptor antagonist; tertiary
Solifenacin uses
overactive bladder
Darifenacin MOA
- selective muscarinic receptor antagonists; tertiary
- enablex
Darifenacin AE
less dry mouth, nothing else really
Diphenydramine MOA
muscarinic receptor antagonists; tertiary
Diphenydramine Uses
aka benedryl
muscarinic receptor antagonist; quaternary
Methscopolamine MOA
muscarinic receptor antagonist; quaternary
Methscopolamine AE
impair your vision, thinking, or reactions
methscopolamine uses
reduce stomach acid secretions and rx peptic ulcers
Tiotropium MOA
muscarinic receptor antagonist; quaternary
Tiotropium uses
prevent bronchospasm in people with bronchitis, emphysema, or COPD
Tiotropium pharm effects
Ipratropium MOA
muscarinic receptor antagonist; quaternary
Ipratropium uses
prevent bronchospasm in people with bronchitis, emphysema, or COPD
Ipratropium pharm effects
Glycopyrrolate MOA
muscarinic receptor antagonist; quaternary
Glycopyrrolate uses
peptic ulcers and reduce drooling in kids
Nicotine MOA
- nicotinic receptor agonists; direct stimulation of peripheral N1/N2 cholinergics
- In the CNS: stimulates N1 cholinergics to release NE and DA and increase/decrease Ach release
Nicotine pharm effects
acute CNS and cardio stuff (see notes)
Trimethaphan MOA
N1 receptor antagonist/ ganglionic blocking
adrenergic agonist
adrenergic agonist
- adrenergic agonist; stimulates B1>B2
- racemic mixture of entantiomers
dobutamine uses
short term rx for cardic decompensation
Dobutamine pharm effects
- Positive ionotropic: B1 receptor stimulation will increase SV
- Arteriolar VD: B2 receptor stimulation lowers TPR so that DBP falls
- Venodilation: B2 receptor stimulation will decrease VR and decrease cardiac filling P in pts w/ MI
Isoproterenol pharm effects
- + ionotropic and chronotropic effects in cardiac arrest
- increase in AV conduction in AV block
Salmeterol MOA
- adrenergic agonist
- serevent
- B2>>B1
Salmeterol Pharm effects
relieves bronchoconstriction of asthma, COPD, bronchitis
Salmeterol uses
asthma, COPD, bronchitis
Terbutaline MOA
- adrenergic agonist
- bricanyl, brethine
- B2>>B1
Terbutaline uses
bronchospasms, asthma, bronchitis
terbutaline pharm effects
bronchodilator: relaxes mm in airway
Albuterol MOA
- adrenergic agonist
- Ventolin, provetil
- B2>>B1
Albuterol uses
Albuterol pharm effects
bronchodilator to relax mm in airway to lungs
Ritodrine MOA
- adrenergic agonist
- Yutopar
- B2>>>>B1
Ritodrine uses
- delays birth
- used to achieve external version of fetus from breach to vertex before birth
Ritodrine pharm effects
relaxes uterine sm mm
Phenylephrine MOA
- adrenergic agonist
- A1 only
- neo-synephrine
Phenylephrine pharm effects
- systemic VC
- constricts blood vessels in nasal mucosa (relieves congestion)
- contracts radial mm (mydriasis)
Ritodrine uses
- fundoscopic exams (mydriasis via contracting radial mm)
- relieves nasal congestion (constricts blood in nasal mucosa)
Oxymetazoline MOA
- adrenergic agonist
- Afrin
- A only
Oxymetazoline uses
nasal decongestant (better than phenylephrine)
Tyramine MOA
- adrenergic agonist
- indirectly acting
Tyramine pharm effects
releases endogenous NE that has been stored until now; increases BP since releasing NE from sympathetic nerves that innervated blood vessels
Tyramine uses
in fermented food; must be taken IV because will be destroyed in gut if taken p.o.; cannot cross BBB so effects are confined to periphery
Amphetamine MOA
- adrenergic agonist
- lipid soluble so can enter CNS and release NE from central AND peripheral adrenergic neurons; blocks neuronal uptake of NE and will cause release of DA in NA
Amphetamine pharm effects
lipid soluble so can enter CNS and release NE from central AND peripheral adrenergic neurons; blocks neuronal uptake of NE and will cause release of DA in NA
Ephedrine MOA
- adrenergic agonist; mixed
- lipid soluble-->enters CNS to act at B1 and B2 directly
Ephedrine pharm effects
- Acts directly at both B1 and B2 via NE
- Direct B: bronchodilation in asthma and increases AV conduction
- Indirect A: mydriasis, increases BP, nasal decongestion
Ephedrine uses
asthma, mydriasis, nasal decongestant, reverses hypotension in anesthesia
Pseudoephedrine MOA
- adrenergic agonist
- mixed, lipid soluble; goes into CNS
- sudafed
Pseudoephedrine uses
nasal and sinus decongestant
Pseudoephedrine AE
Pseudoephedrine pharm effects
since it is a stereoisomer of ephedrine; there is less CNS excitation and less BP/HR increases
Phenoxybenzamine MOA
- alpha adenoceptor antagonist
- dibenzyline
- non competitive receptor block results from covalent binding of receptor
- A1>>A2
Phenoxybenzamine uses
reduce BP and sweating (pheochromocytoma ppl sweat a lot)
Phentolamine MOA
- A adrenoceptor antagonist
- regitine
- A1 = A2
Phentolamine uses
dental anesthesia reversal
Prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin MOA
- A adrenoceptor antagonist
- minipress, hytrin, cardura respectively
Tamsulosin MOA
- A adrenoceptor antagonist
- flomax
- A1 only
tamsulosin pharm effects
Tamsulosin relaxes the muscles in the prostate and bladder neck, making it easier to urinate.
Tamsulosin uses
improve urination in benign prostatic hyperplasia
Labetalol MOA
- A adrenoceptor antagonist
- trandate, normodyne
- Blocks B1 and A1
Labetalol uses
hypertension treatment
Yohimbine MOA
- A adrenoceptor antagonist
- A1<<<A2
- yohimex, yocon
Yohimbine pharm effects
- Central A2 block in baroreflex arc will increase preganglionic sympathetic nerve activity to cause tachycardia, tremor, increase in BP
Yohimbine AE
restlessness, irritability, anxiety, no boners
Ergotamine, dihydroergotamine MOA
A adrenoceptor antagonist (partial agonist)
Ergotamine and Dihydroergotamine pharm effects
- constrict cerebral blood because partial A agonist
- stimulates alpha adrenergic receptors, producing peripheral vasoconstriction and decreased blood flow; exhibits serotonin antagonistic properties
Ergotamine and dihydroergotamine uses
treat migraine like headaches (remember it constricts blood flow in brain!)
Phentolamine MOA
A adrenoceptor antagonist
Phentolamine pharm effects
reverses ischemia and tissue necrosis via extravation of DA from veins
Phentolamine uses
treats impotence
Alprostadil MOA
relaxes arterial smooth muscle, producing vasodilation; inhibits platelet aggregation (prostaglandin E1)
Alprostadil uses
treats impotence/ED (can be a topical use)
- B adrenoceptor antagonist
- Kerlone
- cardio selective
Betaxolol uses
treats hypertension
Atenolol MOA
- B adrenoceptor antagonist
- cardio selective
Atenolol uses
treat hypertension, treat/prevent heart attacks, treat angina
Metoprolol MOA
- B adrenoceptor antagonist
- lopressor, toprol
- cardio selective
Metoprolol uses
angina, hypertension, heart attack
Esmolol MOA
- B adrenoceptor antagonist
- breviblock
- cardio selective
Esmolol uses
rapid control of ventricular rate
Propranolol MOA
- B adrenoceptor antagonist
- not selective
- Inderal
Propranolol uses
tremors, angina, hypertension, heart rhythm disorders, treat or prevent heart attack, and to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine headaches
Timolol MOA
- B adrenergic antagonist
- biocadren
- non selective
Timolol uses
Labetalol MOA
- B adrenoceptor antagonist
- trandate
- non selective
Labetalol uses
Alpha methyldopa MOA
- sympathoyltic
- Aldomet
- Transported into central/peripheral noradrenergic via aromatic AA pump and is converted to alpha-methylNE; this will NOT be metab by MAO and will be stored in cytoplasm AND vesicles as a result
- Also stored as nt in noradrenergic neurons and will be released by AP
- See notes
Alpha methyldopa pharm effects
- VC (just as well as NE)
- Blood: net balanced vasodilation
- Heart: HR decreases, myocardial oxygen demand decreases
- Pituitary: PL secretion increases
Alpha methyldopa uses
hypertension in kids and pregnant women
Reserpine MOA
- sympatholytic; alkaloid from plants
- Seprasil
- Destroys IC vesicles for nt in peripheral/central monoaminergics which results in depleted net stores
Reserpine pharm effects
- Small doses: deplete peripheral sympathetic monoaminergic stores only
- Blood: decreases amount of NE released, net balanced VD
- Heart: HR and CO little change
- GI: increased motility and tone from unopposed PS
- Pituitary: PL secretion increases because DA depleted
reserpine uses
hypertension, psychotic states?
Guanethidine MOA
- sympatholytic; adrenergic neuronal blocker
- poor lipid solubility
- directly inhibits NE release from peripheral sympathetic neurons
- Ismelin
Guanethedine pharm effects
- Blood: net balanced VD
- Heart: HR and CO unchanged
Guanethidine AE
orthostatic hypotension, sex dysfx, supersensitive to direct sympathomimetic amines (adrenoceptors are upregulated), unopposed PS activity
Cocaine MOA
- alkaloid
- neuronal NE uptake 1 transporter
- Local anesthesia via blocking Na channels in pain fibers-->non comp block monoamine uptake 1 in c/p neurons-->amp postj/s NE, DA, Epi, Serotonin effects
- Increases peripheral sympathetic outflow
- Increased DA stimulation in NA (euphoria)
Cocaine Pharm effects
- (See notes)
- local anesthesia, CNS, dose related, indirect VC, local hemostasis
Cocaine uses
anesthesia in eye and nose surgery
Reserpine AE
- (see notes)
- Teratogenic
- orthostatic hypertension
- sex dysfx
- hyperprolactinemia
- supersensitive to direct sympathomimetic amines
- unopposed PS activity
Alpha methyldopa AE
sedation, dry mouth, congestion, edema, orthostatic intolerance, flu sx, + Coombs, HS rxn for hepatitis, hyperprolactinemia