1. When the dictionary definitions and the philosophical descriptions of the term “profession” are combined, what are the criteria for an occupation to be described as a profession?
    One that exhibits a body of theory and specialized knowledge, is service oriented, and has a distinct subculture. (001)
  2. What is wrong with the position that any given broadly defined occupation is either a profession or is not?
    That approach leads to such conclusions as only doctors and not nurses are members of the medical profession and only officers and not enlisted are professionals in the POA. The vast majority of occupations and professions are distributed all along the great middle between the two extremes. The characteristics which determine an occupation’s place on the Profession Continuum is not prestige or salary, but rather the three criteria. A century or two ago only a few recognized professions existed (physician, professor, clergy, etc.) and now there’s no need for the vacuum tube changer in today’s computer systems (an important job only half a generation ago.)(001)
  3. List unprofessional actions that should not be exhibited by NCO’s.
    Coasting through a career; considering oneself only a technical expert; discrimination; ignoring direction from your superiors and then asking for forgiveness later; inflating EPRs; lack of safe development; neglecting weak skill areas such as writing; only focusing upon one are of your job of responsibilities; poor attitude; purposely rushing to miss reveille and retreat; seeing discipline violations and not correcting; sexual harassment; shabby wear of the uniform ( rag bag syndrome); shying away from additional responsibility; taking advantage of no supervision; understanding role model responsibilities; using personal bias in the evaluation process; weak performance feedback or no performance feedback; whining or complaining about everything. (001)
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