Covres all of the activities involved in the sale of products to final consumers.
General Stores?
Carry anything they could sell in reasonable volume.
Single Line?
Limited Line Stores... stores that specialize in certain lines of related products rather than a wide assortment.
Specialty Shop?
A type of conventional limited-line store which is usually small and has a dinstinct personality.
Department Stores?
larger stores that areorganized into manyseparate departments and offer many product lines.
Mass Merchandising Concept?
Retailers should offer low prices to get faster turnover and greater sales volume- by appealing to larger markets.
Large stores specializing in groceries with self-service and wide assortments.
Discount Houses?
Offered "hard goods" (Tv, Camera, Appliance) at substancial price cuts whogo to store's low-rent stores.
Large, self-service stores with many departments that emphasize "soft goods" (housewares, clothing, fabrics) at discount houses for faster turnover.
Hypermarkets- these are large stores that try to carry not only food and drugs but also all goods and services that are purcased routinely.
Convenience food stores?
Convenience-oriented variation of the conventional limited-line food stoes.
Automatic Vending?
Selling and delibvering food through vending machines.
Door-to-Door Selling?
A salespareson going directly to the consumer's home.
Telephone and direct mail retailing?
Allows consumers to shop at home- usually placing orders by mail or via a toll-free long distance telephone call and charging it to a credit card.
Wheel of Retailing Theory?
Sas that new types of retailers enter the market as low status, low margin, low price operators and then, if succesful, evolve into more conventional retailers offering more services with higher operating costs and higher prices.
Scrambled Merchandising?
carrying any product lines they think can sell profitably.
Corporate Chain?
A firm owns and manages more than one store- and often it's many.
Cooperative Chains?
Retailer sponsored groups- formed by independant retailers- that run their own buying organizations and conduct joint promotion offers.
Voluntary Chains?
Wholesaler-sponsored groups that work with independant retailers.
Franchise Operations?
The franchisor develops a good marketing strategy, and the retail franchise holders carry out the strategy in their own units.
Concerned with activities of those persons or establishmentsthat sell to retailers and other merchants, or to industrial, institutional, and commercial users, but that do not sell in large amounts to final customers.
Manufacturer's Sales Branches?
Warehouses that producers set up at separate locations away from their factories.
Merchant Wholesalers?
Own the prodcuts they sell.
Service Wholesalers?
Merchant Wholesalers that carry a wide variety of nonperishable items such as hardware, electrical supplies, furniture, or drugs.
Single-line Wholesalers?
Service wholesalers that carry a narrower line of merchandise than general merchandise wholsesalers.
Specialty Wholesalers?
Service Wholesalers that carry a very narrow range of products and offer more information and service than other service wholesalers.
Limited function wholesalers?
Provide only some wholesaling functions.
Cash-and-Carry Wholesalers?
Operate like service wholesalers except that customers must pay cash.
Drop Shippers?
Own the products they sell but they do not actually handle, stock, or deliver them.
Truck Wholesalers?
Specialize in delivering products that they stock in their own trucks.
Rack Jobbers?
Specialize in hard-to-handle assortments of products that a retailer doesn't want to manage.
Catalog Wholesalers?
Sell out of catalogs that may be distributed widely to smaller industrial customers or retailers that might not be called on by other middlemen.
Agent Middlemen?
Wholesalers who do not own the products they sell.
Manufacturer's Agent?
Sell similar products for several non-competing producers for a commission on what is actually sold.
Export or Import Agents?
Are basically manufacturer's agents who specialize in international trade.
Brokers bring buyers and sellers together.
Export or Import Brokers?
Work like brokers except bring customers from different countries together.
Selling Agents?
Take over the whole marketing job of producers- not just the selling function.
Combination Export Manager?
handles the export function of for several producers or similar but noncompeting lines.
Auction Companies?
Provide a place where buyers and sellers can come together and bid to complete a transaction.