CH 10: Part III

  1. hydrocephalus
    abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain
  2. meningioma
    benign tumor of the coverings of the brain
  3. meningitis
    inflammation of the meninges
  4. migraine headache
    • unilateral headache-disordered vision, nausea, vomiting, lasting hours or days
    • caused by dilation of arteries
  5. multiple sclerosis (MS)
    CNS disease-caused by demyelination of nerve fibers
  6. myelitis
    inflammation of the spinal cord
  7. narcolepsy
    sleep disorder-sudden uncontrollable need to sleep, attacks of paralysis, intruding dreams
  8. parkinsons disease
    • degeneration of brainstem (substantia nigra) from a decrease of dopamine
    • characterized by uncontrolled muscle movements
  9. plegia
  10. hemiplegia
    paralysis on one side of the body
  11. paraplegia
    paralysis from the waist down
  12. quadriplegia
    paralysis of all four limbs
  13. poliomyelitis
    • inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord caused by a virus
    • polio=gray
  14. sleep apnea
    periods of stopped breathing that occur during sleep
  15. spina bifida
    • congenital defects in the spoinal column due to absence of vertebral arches
    • results in pouching of the spinal membrane
  16. electroencephalogram
    • record of the electrical impulses of the brain
    • used to identify neurological conditions
  17. lumbar puncture
    • inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine to obtain CSF for testing
    • aka-spinal tap
  18. positron emission tomography (PET)
    • nuclear medicine AND computer tomography to produce images of the brain
    • -used to see: alzheimer, spilepsy, etc.
  19. cerebral angiogram
    x-ray of blood vessels in the brain
  20. Babinski sign reflex
    • stimulation of the plantar surface of the foot
    • dorsiflex (toes curl upward) is a sign of spinal cord injury
  21. craniectomy
    excision of part of the skull
  22. craniotomy
    incision into the skull
  23. diskectomy
    removal of herniated disk
  24. laminectomy
    excision of laminae of the vertebrae to approach the spinal cord
  25. chemotherapy
    chemical agents that destroy selected cells or impair their ability to reproduce
  26. radiation therapy
    treatment of neoplastic disease using ionizing radiation
  27. stereotactic radiosurgery
    radiation treatment to inactivate malignant lesions-by focused radiation beams on a target
  28. stereotactic frame
    mechanical device used to target the specific site for radiosurgery
  29. thrombolytic therapy
    dissolution of thrombi using drugs
  30. analgesic
    agent that releaves pain
  31. anticonvulsant
    agent that prevents convulsions
  32. hypnotic
    agent that induces sleep
  33. sedative
    agent with a calming effect
  34. affect
    emotional feeling or mood
  35. flat affect
    dulled emotional tone
  36. apathy
    lack of interest or display of emotion
  37. catatonia
    unresponsive to one's outside environment
  38. delusion
    persistant belief that has no basis in reality
  39. dysphoria
    restless, dissatisfied mood
  40. euphoria
    exaggerated feelings of well-being
  41. hallucination
    false perceptions-in hearing, seeing, smell
  42. ideation
    formation or thoughts or ideas
  43. mania
    state of abnormal elation/increased activity
  44. neurosis
    feelings of anxiety-psychological condition
  45. psychosis
    mental state of distortion of reality-resulting in inability to community or function in one's environment
  46. thought disorder
    thought that lacks clear processing or logic
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CH 10: Part III