Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease GERD
-Backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus.
GERD Signs / Symptoms
- - Pyrosis
- - Regurgitation, bitter sour/bitter taste
- - Tooth erosion
- - Hoarseness
- - Eructation
- - Flatulence
- - Dysphagia
- - Odynophagia
- - Nocturnal cough
- - Wheezing
- Heartburn: burning & pressure sub sternal and retrosternal, radiates up neck, jaw and back. Mimics angina.
Postprandial state
-Post meal: 20 min � 2 hrs after meals
Water brash
� Reflux salivary hyper-secretion that does not taste bitter.
� Difficulty swallowing
� Painful swallowing
Dx Tests for GERD
- -Usually diagnosed by symptoms
- - Bernstein Test: + if pain if felt when HCL is applied to esophagus
- - Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)
- - Barium swallow (upper GI series) : identifies hiatal hernia
GERD Management
- - Teach Diet & lifestyle changes
- - Avoid problem foods / beverages
- - Stop smoking
- - Eat 4-6 smaller meals
- - Lose weight
- - Eliminate alcohol
- - Remain upright 1-2 hrs after meals
- - Avoid tight clothing
- - Medication therapy
- Antacids
- H2 receptor antagonists
- Proton pump inhibitors
- -Fundoplication
-aluminum hydroxide, Mylanta
H2 Receptor Antagonists
- - cimetidine, Tagament
- - ranitidine, Zantac
- - famotidine, Pepcid
- - nizatidine, Axid
Proton Pump Inhibitors
- - omeprazol, Prilosec
- - esomeprazole, Nexium
- - pantoprazol, Protonix
- - rabeprazol, Aciphex
- - lansoprazole, Prevacid
- secralfate, Carafate
Prokinetics (promotility agents)
- - metoclopramide, Reglan :
- - increases peristalsis therefore, promotes gastric emptying & reduces risk of GERD
- surgery to strengthen the LES and lessen the possibility of acid reflux also done to correct hiatal hernia.
Complications of GERD
- - Barrett�s esophagus: Normal squamous epithelium is replaced w/columnar epithelium, increasing risk of esophageal cancer
- - Can trigger Asthma attacks
- - Chest pain resulting in bleeding
- - Narrowing or chronic irritation of esophagus
GERD Prognosis
- - Can cause esophageal ulcerations and hemorrhage
- - Risk for aspiration
- - Increased risk for Adenocarcinoma
- - Scarring can permanently damage esophagus tissue & produce stricture
- Cardiospasm: an abnormal condition characterized by the inability of a muscle to relax, particularly the cardiac sphincter of the stomach.
Achalasia Signs & Symptoms
- - Dysphagia
- - Regurgitation
Dx tests for Achalasia
- - Esophagoscopy
- - Radiologic studies: show esophageal dilation
- - Manometry: shows absence of primary peristalsis
Achalasia Management
- - Drug Therapy: to reduce pressure in the LES
- -Anticholinergics
- - Nitrates
- - Calcium channel blockers
- - Dilation with balloon similar to PCTA
- - Cardiomyotomy: incision in the muscle layer of the esophagus allowing expansion
- - High calorie, high protein diets.
Hiatal Hernia
- - A protrusion of the stomach and other abdominal viscera through an opening, or hiatus in the diaphragm, results of a weakness of the diaphragm.
- - Anatomical condition not a disease
- - Treated by fundoplication
Hiatal Hernia Symptoms/ Complication
- - GERD
- - Strangulation of the herniated organ
- - Infarction
- - Ulceration