Ch. 16 - Leadership

  1. process whereby an individual influences others to achieve a common goal
  2. typically perform functions associated with planning, investigating, organizing, and control - MAINTENANCE
  3. deal with the interpersonal aspects of a managers job - POSITIVE CHANGE
  4. leadership traits were not innate but could be developed through experience and learning
  5. a physical or personality characteristic that can be used to differentiate leaders from followers
    leader trait
  6. based on the idea that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they should do for their followers
    implicit leadership theory
  7. a mental representation of the traits and behaviors that people believe are possessed by leaders
    leadership prototype
  8. Kellerman's traits of bad leaders: leader and at least some followers lack the will or skill to sustatin effective action
  9. stiff and unyielding, unwilling to adapt to new ideas, information, or changing times
  10. Kellerman's traits of bad leaders: leader lacks self control and is aided and abetted by followers who are unwilling or unable effectively to intervene
  11. Kellerman's traits of bad leaders: uncaring and unkind, Needs wants and desires of most members are ignored
  12. Kellerman's traits of bad leaders: leader and some followers lie cheat or steal
  13. Kellerman's traits of bad leaders: minimize or disregard the health and welfare of the other
  14. Kellerman's traits of bad leaders: commit atrocities. use pain as an instrument of power
  15. involves leader behavior associated with creating mutual respect or trust and focuses on a concern for group members' needs and desires
  16. leader behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing to maximize output
    initiating structures
  17. propose that the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behaviro depends on the situation
    situational theories
  18. a leader's effectiveness is contingent on the extent to which a leader's style fits or matches charactristics of the situation at hand
    contingency theory
  19. the amount of control and influence the leader has in his or her immediaate work environment
    situational control
  20. three dimensions of situational control
    • leader member relations
    • task structure
    • position power
  21. reflect the extent to which the leader has the support, loyalty, and trust of the work group
    leader member relations
  22. amount of structure contained in work tasks
    task structure
  23. degree to which leader has formal power to reqard, punish or obtain compliance
    position power
  24. situational variables that cause one style of leadership to be more effective than another
    contingency factors
  25. clarifying employees' role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance
    transactional leadership
  26. transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self interests
    transformational leaders
  27. establishing an attractive vision of the future, use of emotional arguments and exhibition of optimism and enthusiasm
    inspirational motivation
  28. includes behaviors such as sacrificing for the good of he group being a role model and displaying high ethical standards
    idealized influence
  29. providing support encouragement, empowerment, and coaching to employees
    individualized considerations
  30. involves behaviors that encourage employees to question the status quo and to seek innovative and creative solutions
    intellectual stimulation
  31. revolves around development of dyadic relationships between managers and their direct reports
    member exchange model of leadership
  32. a partnership characterized by mutual trust, respect, and liking
    in group exchange
  33. a partnership characterized by a lack fo mutual trust, respect, and liking
    out group exchange
  34. a dynamic interacive influence process among individuals in groups for which the objective is to lead one another to the achievement of group or organizational goals or both
    shared leadership
  35. focuses on increased service to others rather than to oneself
    servant leadership
  36. show deference and comply with leadership
  37. distance themselves from the leadership and show less compliance
  38. show divergence from the leader and are at least compliant
  39. attempt to identify relatively stable enduring dispositional attributes that leaders possess
    great man approach
  40. beliefs about how leaders should behave and should do for their followers
    implicit leadership theory
  41. ability to manage oneself and one's relationships in mature and constructive ways
    emotional intelligence
  42. the ability to think strategically, reason analytically, and exercise good judgment
  43. allows leaders to gain trust by being sure of their own actions and not being defensive about making mistakes
    self confidence
  44. characterized by high energy motivation need for achievement
  45. means being truthful and exhibiting a consistency between words and actions
    honesty and integrity
  46. refers to being open honest competent forward looking and inspiring
  47. deriving energy from others
  48. being responsible
  49. ability to identify causes of problems and generate appropriate soutions
    problem solving skills
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Ch. 16 - Leadership
Ch. 16 - Leadership