Ch. ? Influence, Empowerment, Power

  1. rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, consultation, ingratiation, personal appeal
    soft influence tactics
  2. using logical arguments and facts to persuade another that a desired result will occur
    rational persuasion
  3. arousing enthusiasm by appealing to one's values and beliefs
    inspirational appeal
  4. asking for participation in decision making or planning a change
  5. geting someone to do what you want by putting that person in a good mood or getting him or her to like you
  6. appealing to feelings of loyalty and friendship before making a request
    personal appeal
  7. exchange, coalition building, legitimating, pressure
    hard influence tactics
  8. promising some benefits in exchange for complying with a request
  9. persuading by seeking the assistance of others or by noting the support of others
    coalition building
  10. pointing out one's authority to make a request or verifying that it is consistent with prevailing organizational policies and practices
  11. seeking compliance by using demands threats or intimidation
  12. 3 outcomes of influence attempts
    commitment, compliance, resistance
  13. a strong positive response - the person will agree and carry out the request because they truly believes it is the right or best thing to do this is the best coutcome
  14. completion of request - the person will agree only because there is something positive in it for him/her or something negative will happen if they don't
  15. a strong negative response - request will be disregarded, influence attempt is unsuccessful
  16. the ability to get things done with human, informational, and material resources. Power is not power OVER others. Power is the ability to GET THINGS DONE
    social power
  17. someone has the need to be selfish and use power for their own self-centered needs not for the good of the group or organization
    personalized power
  18. used for the good of the organization and is often self-sacrificing - used to create motivation and accomplish group goals
    socialized power
  19. sharing varying degrees of power with lower-level employees to tap their full potential
  20. the process whereby the employees play a direct role in setting goals, making decisions, solving problems, making changes
    participative management
  21. granting decision-making authority to people at lower levels
  22. intentional enhancement of self interest
    organizational politics
  23. 3 principles of influence
    • liking
    • reciprocity
    • social proof
  24. the more we like the other person the more likely we'll comply with their requests
  25. the belief that both good and bad deeds should be repaid in kind
  26. role models and peer pressure are powerful forces
    social proof
  27. once individuals have stated a commitment they tend to act in accordance with that commitment
  28. people tend to defer to and respect credible experts
  29. requests that emphasize scarcity or the fact that some object, opportunity, or outcome will soon no longer be available, are difficult to resist
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Ch. ? Influence, Empowerment, Power
Ch. ? Influence, Empowerment, Power