
  1. arthr/o
    articulation aka joint
  2. cerebell/o
    cerebellum (little brain)
  3. cerebr/o
    cerebrum (largest part of the brain)
  4. crani/o
  5. encephal/o
    entire brain
  6. esthesi/o
  7. gangli/o
    ganglion (knot)
  8. gli/o
  9. gnos/o
  10. hypn/o somn/i somn/o
  11. kinesi/o
  12. lex/o
    word or phrase
  13. mening/o meningi/o
    meninges (membrane)
  14. myel/o
    spinal cord or bone marrow
  15. narc/o
    stupor or sleep
  16. neur/o
  17. phas/o
  18. phob/o
    exaggerated fear or sensitivity
  19. phor/o
    carry or bear used in euphoria
  20. phren/o psych/o thym/o
  21. schiz/o
  22. somat/o
  23. spin/o
    spine (thorn)
  24. spondyl/o
  25. stere/o
    three dimensional
  26. tax/o
    order or coordination
  27. thalam/o
    thalamus (a room)
  28. ton/o
    tone or tension
  29. top/p
  30. ventricul/o
    ventricle (belly or pouch)
  31. cata-
  32. -asthenia
  33. -lepsy
  34. -mania
    condition of abnormal impulse toward
  35. -paresis
    weakness or partial paralysis
  36. -plegia
  37. CNS
    central nervous system = brain and spinal cord
  38. cerebrum
    largest portion of the brain
  39. frontal lobe
    anterior section of each cerebral hemisphere responsible for voluntary muscle movement and personality
  40. parietal lobe
    posterior to the frontal lobe
  41. temporal lobe
    lies below the frontal lobe, under the temple of the head
  42. occipital lobe
    posterior to the parietal and temporal lobes, back of the skull above the cerebellum
  43. cerebral cortex
    outter layer of the cerebrum consisting of gray matter
  44. thalamus
    two gray matter nulei deep within the brain
  45. gyri or gyrus (singular)
    mounds of the brain
  46. sulci or sulkus (singular)
    grooves in the brain
  47. fissures
    deep grooves in the brain
  48. cerebellum
    base of the skull = controls skeletal muscles and coordination
  49. brainstem
    relay of information to and from cerebrum, cerebellum and spinal cord
  50. ventricles
    cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid
  51. meninges
    3 membranes that cover the brain and the spinal cord - dura mater, pia mater and arachnoid
  52. cranial nerves
    12 pairs of ners arising from the brain
  53. spinal nerves
    31 pairs of nerves arising from the spinal cord
  54. afferent nerves
    sensory nerves that carry info to the brain
  55. efferent nerves
    motor nerves that carry info away from the brain to the rest of the body
  56. ANS
    autonomic nervous system - nerves that carry involunary impulses to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and various glands
  57. sympathetic nervous system
    division of the ANS concerned primarily with preparing the body for stressfull and/or emergency situations. (amps the body up)
  58. parasympathetic nervous system
    division of the ANS that is active in most situations and restores the body back to it's natural resting state after an emergency or stressfull situation
  59. dysarthria
    condition of difficult articulation in either speech or motor movement coordination
  60. delirium
    state of mental confusion due to disturbances in cerebral function
  61. dementia
    impairment of intellectual function characterized by memory loss, disorientation and confusion
  62. motor deficit
    loss or impairment of muscle function
  63. sensory deficit
    loss or impairment of sensation
  64. neuralgia
    pain along the course of a nerve
  65. syncope
  66. paresthesia
    abnormal sensation of numbness and tingling without objective cause
  67. agnosia
    any of the types of loss of neurological function associated with interpretation of sensory information
  68. cerebrovascular disease
    disorder resulting from a change within one or more blood vessels of the brain
  69. arteriosclerosis
    hardening of the arteries
  70. atherosclerosis
    condition of lipid buildup within the blood vessels
  71. thrombosis
    stationary clot
  72. embolism
    obstruction of a vessel
Card Set
Nervous System Medical Terminology