- referential meaning
- concrete nouns
- ex- dog & chair
- situational meaning
- contextual
- ex- Baby Sale: The store is selling baby items
- basic or central meaning
- ex- dog: four legged creature
- Associative meaning
- things it makes you think about
- ex- dog: friendly , runs with the pack or low down dirty dog
Generative Semantics
- early semantics: denotative, referential meaning
- feature analysis: what are the semantic primes of meaning
- assing + or -
- male adult
- woman - +
- man + +
- boy + -
- girl - -
Meaning is dynamic
- protoype theory
- Bird: fly, feathers, picture robin or blue
- Bird: leggy woman, middle finger
- Metaphor: transfer of features form one domain to another
- transfer of meaning based on physical contiguity
- synecdoche: part for the whole
- ex- nice threads/ nice clothes
- cool wheels/ good looking car
Lexical Semantics
- static and stable
- synonym
- antonymy
- hyponymy
- polysemy
two words are synonymous small/tiny big/huge/large
- antonyms: oppostie meaning
- small/large not small / large
- levels of meaning: super ordinate term
- animals-mammal-dog-labrador
- multiple related meaning
- head of the body
- head of the class
- head of a beer
- create a relationship that wsn't there
- ex- aspargus / sparrow grass
- devilled eggs / doubled eggs
- written language
- wind/wind
- relationships that are reciprocal
- to have one you must have another
- ex- husband- wife
- son-father
The meaning of grammatical words fit in semantic and pragmatic categories
- Definite articles
- Modal
- Progressive Active
- Deixis
Definite Articles
- the
- ex- I know that you know that I know what noun I'm talking about
Progressive Active
- Static verbs do not using progressive (ing)
- ex- hate, like, owe, love
- Can
- Could
- might
- shall
- should
- will
- would
- must
- Detonic and epistemic
- can- ability
- Could- Past ability/polite request
- May- permission/ability
- must- obligation
- shall- obligation
- It's about certainty
- That could be John
- That may be John
- That might be John
- That should be John
- That must be John
- refers to the system of where things are in place or time
- Time deixis
- Place deixis
- Person deixis
Time Deixis
- tense or aspect forms
- ex- we had just finishe dinner when the telephone rang.
Place Deixis
- demonstrative
- proximal- this/these
- distal- that/those
Person Deixis
- pronoun I
- context dependent