art history 11

  1. Image Upload 2
    • Entombment
    • A: Carravaggio
    • Baroque art
    • Southern (Italy)
    • 1600 ce
    • oil on canvas
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    • Breakfast Scene (Marriage a la Mode)
    • A: Hogarth
    • Pluralism
    • Naturalism
    • 1750 ce
    • oil on canvas
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    • Chiswick House
    • A: Boyle and Kent
    • Neoclassicism
    • 1750 ce
    • England
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    • The Horse Fair
    • A: Bonheur (Female)
    • Realism
    • 1850 ce
    • oil on canvas
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    • Nefertiti
    • A: Thutmose
    • Ancient Egypt art
    • Amarna period
    • 1350 bce
    • limestone
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    • Sea Warrior
    • Greek art
    • Classical
    • 450 ce
    • bronze
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    • Young Flavian Woman
    • Roman art
    • Imperial Rome
    • 90 ce
    • marble
    • veristic
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    • Justinian and Attendants (San Vitale)
    • Byzantine art
    • 550 ce
    • mosaic
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    • Old Testament Kings and Queens (Chartres Cathedral)
    • Gothic art
    • 1150 ce
    • early style
    • elongated
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    • Isenheim Altarpiece
    • A: Grunewald
    • 16th c. N. European art
    • oil on panel
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    • Tribute Money
    • A: Masaccio
    • 15th c. Italy art
    • Early Florentine Renaissance
    • fresco
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    • Baldassare Castiglione
    • A: Raphael
    • 16th c. Itlay art
    • High Renaissance
    • oil on wood
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    • Jupiter and Io
    • A: Correggio
    • Mannerism
    • 16th c. Italy
    • oil on wood
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    • San Zaccaria Altarpiece
    • A: Bellini
    • 16th c. Italy art
    • Venetian Renaissance
    • oil on wood
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    • Judith Slaying Holofernes
    • A: Gentileschi (female)
    • Baroque art
    • Southern
    • 1650 ce
    • oil on canvas
    • carravaggista
  16. Image Upload 32
    • Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
    • A: Gainsborough
    • Pluralism
    • Naturalism
    • 1750 ce
    • oil on canvas
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    • The Death of General Wolfe
    • A: West
    • Neoclassicism
    • America
    • 1750 ce
    • oil on canvas
  18. Image Upload 36
    • The Gross Clinic
    • A: Eakins
    • Realism
    • America
    • 1850 ce
    • oil on canvas
  19. Image Upload 38
    • Impression: Sunrise
    • A: Monet
    • Impressionism
    • 1850 ce
    • oil on canvas
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    • At the Moulin Rouge
    • A: de Toulouse-Loutrec
    • Post-Impressionism
    • 1900 ce
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    • Jupiter and Semele
    • A: Moreau
    • Symbolism
    • 1850 ce
    • oil on canvas
  22. Image Upload 44
    • Burghers of Calais
    • A: Rodin
    • Late 19th c. sculpture
    • 1900 ce
    • bronze
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    • Staircase in Van Eevelde House
    • A: Horta
    • Art Nouveau
    • 1900 ce
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    • Eiffel Tower
    • A: Eiffel
    • 19th c. architecture
    • wrought iron
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    • Tiye
    • Anceint Egypt art
    • Amarna Period
    • 1350 ce
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    • Disklobos
    • Ancient Greek art
    • Classical art
    • 450 ce
    • marble copy/ og. bronze
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    • Arch of Titus
    • Roman art
    • Imperial Rome
    • 80 ce
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    • Theodora and Attendants (San Vitale)
    • Byzantine art
    • 550 ce
    • mosaic
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    • Saints Martin, Jerome, and Gregory jamb statues (Chartres cathedral)
    • Gothic art
    • 1200 ce
    • interaction w/ viewer
  30. Image Upload 60
    • Isenheim Altarpiece
    • A: Grunewald
    • 16th c. N. Europe art
    • oil on panel
Card Set
art history 11
art history