Basic Principles

  1. 8 Basic Principles of Sentence Correction
    • 1) Understand the Directions
    • 2) Keep agreement between subject and verb
    • 3) Keep modifier as close as possible to the word or clause that it modifies
    • 4) A pronoun must agree with its antecedant and refer to only one antecedent
    • 5) Make sure that a verb tense reflects the sequence of events
    • 6) Keep similar elements in a sentence parrallel to each other
    • 7) Compare like things only
    • 8) Use your ear to detect correct IDIOMS
  2. 1) Understand the Directions
    A ) No change
  3. 2) Keep agreement between subject and verb
    • - Verbs must agree with their subjects (verbs ending in ING are awlays incorrect)
    • - Singular subjects have singular verbs
    • - Plural verbs have plural subjects
    • - GMAT separates subject and verb with lots of text
    • - Difficult to determine if subject is plural
    • - Collective nouns and singular subjects... "a group of students" = singular collective nous are always singular
  4. 3) Keep modifier as close as possible to the word or clause it modifies
    • - Adjectives modify Nouns (BIG, RED, FAT)
    • - Adverbs modify Verbs (FAST, QUICKLY, SLOW)
    • * Look for modifier errors that make a modifier appear to desribe a word that it actually doesn't
  5. 4) A pronoun must agree with its Antecedant
    and refer to only one Antecedent.
  6. 4) Two types of Pronoun errors:
    1) Reference 2) Agreement

    it, its, they, their, them, which, that
  7. 5) Make sure that a verb tense reflect the sequence of events
    Matter of grammer and logic.
  8. 6) Parrallelism

    • "Will you travel by train, by boat, or by car?"
    • "WIll you travel by plane, boat or cat?"
  9. 7) Compare like things only
    Grammatically and logically similar

    • You cant compare:
    • - a person to a quality
    • - a single item to a group

    • You have to compare:
    • - one individual to another
    • - one quality to another
    • - one group to anohter

    • * like
    • * as
    • * compared to
    • * less than
    • * more than
    • * other
    • * that of
    • * those of
  10. 8) Idioms (examples)
    • - Regarded as
    • - Considered to be (never considered as)
    • - Like never means for example
    • - "which" must follow a comma and there must be a noun before the comma OR
    • - must follow a preposition (in which)
    • - Where must refer to an actual location
    • -When must refer to an actual time
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Basic Principles
Basic Principles