Exam 3: Pharynx

  1. What is the pharynx?
    a muscular tube, or common passageway connecting nasal cavities with larynx, and the oral cavity wth the esophagus
  2. The pharynx can be subdivided into how many parts?
  3. The pharynx is subdivided into 3 parts based on what?
    its association with the nasal cavities, oral cavity, and larynx
  4. Where is the Nasopharynx?
    located posterior to nasal cavities
  5. What features are contained in the nasopharynx?
    • choanae
    • pharyngeal tonsils
    • torus tubaris
    • pharyngeal recess   
  6. What are choanae?
    internal nares (openings) connect nasal cavities with nasopharynx
  7. Where are the pharyngeal tonsils?
    in roof of nasopharynx
  8. What is another name for pharyngeal tonsils?
  9. What does torus tubaris mean?
    hood-like fold
  10. Where is the torus tubaris?
    surrounds opening of auditory (Eustahian) tube
  11. Where is the pharyngeal recess?
    posterior to torus tubaris
  12. Where is the Oropharynx?
    below soft palate and behind dorsum of tongue
  13. What features are within the oropharynx?
    • palatoglossal fold
    • mdian glossoepiglottic fold
    • lateral glossoepiglottic folds
    • valleculae   
  14. What is the palatoglossal fold?
    forms boundary between oral cavity and oropharynx
  15. Where is the palatine tonsil located?
    between palatoglossal fold and palatopharyngeal fold
  16. Where is the median glossoepiglottic fold?
    passes from dorsum of tongue to epiglottis in midline
  17. Where are the lateral glossoepiglottic folds?
    pass from lateral surface of epiglottis to dorsum of tonue (bilateral)
  18. What are valleculae?
    spaces between median and lateral glossoepiglottic folds
  19. Where are valleculae located?
    between dorsum of tongue and epiglottis
  20. Where is the Laryngopharynx?
    located posterior to the larynx
  21. What features are contained in the laryngopharynx?
    • laryngeal aditus
    • cricoid cartilage
    • piriform recesses  
  22. What is teh laryngeal aditus?
    opening into larynx from above
  23. What covers the cricoid cartilage?
  24. Where is the cricoid cartilage?
    just above beginning of esophagus
  25. What nerve supplies the piriform recesses?
    branches of internal laryngeal nerve
  26. What does the internal laryngeal nerve supply the piriform recesses with?
    sensory innervation of laryngeal mucosa superior to vocal folds
  27. How are the 3 pharyngeal constrictor muscles arranged?
    like stacked flower pots
  28. What are the 3 parts of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles?
    • superior constrictor
    • middle constrictor
    • inferior constrictor  
  29. Where is the superior constrictor?
    posterior to oral and nasal cavities
  30. What is the middle constrictor associated with?
    hyoid bone
  31. What is the inferior contrictor assciated with?
  32. What are the two portions of the inferior constrictor?
    • thyropharyngues muscle
    • cricopharyngeus muscle 
  33. What is the thyropharyngues muscle attached to?
    thyrod cartilage
  34. What is the cricopharyngeus muscle attached to?
    cricoid cartilage
  35. Which muscle is the only pharyngeal muscle that relaxes during swallowing?
    cricopharyngeus muscle
  36. When the cricopharyngeus muscle relaxes during swallowing, what does this allow?
    allows food and fluid to enter upper end of esophagus
  37. All pharyngeal constictors insert into what?
    median raphe posteriorly
  38. All motor fibers to pharyngeal constrictors are innervated by which nerve?
    vagus N
  39. Sensory fibers to mucosa are supplied by which nerves?
    • CN IX
    • CN X 
  40. Which nerve supplies sensory fibers to mucosa of the nasopharynx and oropharynx?
    CN IX (glossopharyngeal)
  41. Which nerve supplies sensory fibers to mucosa of the laryngopharynx?
    CN X (vagus)
  42. The superior cervical ganglion contains what?
    post-ganglionic sympathetic nerves to the head
  43. The gag reflex test which nerve on the efferent branch?
    CN X
  44. The gag reflex tests which nerve on the afferent branch?
    CN IX
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Exam 3: Pharynx
review of 7/6 lecture on pharynx for exam 3