art history 10

    • Hercules and Antaeus
    • A: Pollaiuolo
    • 15th c. art
    • Early Florentine Renaissance
    • bronze
    • Marriage of the Virgin
    • A: Raphael
    • 16th c. art Italy
    • High Renaissance
    • oil on wood
    • Conversion of Saint Paul
    • A: Caravaggio
    • Baroque
    • Southern (Italy)
    • 1600 ce
    • oil on canvas
    • Basin of San Marco from San Giorgio Maggiore
    • A: Canaletto
    • Pluralism
    • Naturalism
    • 18th c.
    • oil on canvas
    • La Madeleine
    • A: Vignon
    • P: Napolean
    • Neoclassicism
    • 1750 ce
    • Olympia
    • A: Manet
    • Realism
    • 19th c.
    • oil on canvas
    • Last Judgement of Hu-Nefer
    • Ancient Egypt art
    • Amarna period
    • 1350 bce
    • Kritios Boy
    • Ancient Greek art
    • Early Classical
    • 500 bce
    • marble
    • Pont du Gard
    • Roman art
    • Imperial Rome
    • 16th c. bce
    • San Vitale
    • P: bishop of Ravenna
    • Byzantine art
    • 550 ce
    • brick, marble
    • Morgan Madonna
    • Romanesque art
    • 12th c. ce
    • wood
    • reliquary
    • Milan Cathedral
    • Gothic art
    • Itlay
    • 13th c. ce
    • The Annunciation and Nativity (Pisa Baptistry)
    • 14th c. Itlay art
    • Florence
    • marble relief
    • Last Supper
    • A: Bouts
    • 15th c. N. Europe art
    • oil on wood
    • Adoration of the Magi
    • A: Fabriano
    • 15th c. Italy art
    • Early Florentine Renaissance
    • tempera on wood
    • Galatea
    • A: Raphael
    • 16th c. Italy art
    • High Renaissance
    • fresco
    • Calling of Saint Matthew
    • A: Caravaggio
    • Baroque art
    • Southern (Italy)
    • 1600 ce
    • oil on canvas
    • Self-Portrait
    • A: Vigee-Lubrun
    • Rococo
    • Naturalism
    • 1800 ce
    • oil on canvas
    • Pauline Borghese as Venus
    • A: Canova
    • P: Napolean
    • Neoclassicism
    • 1800 ce
    • marble
    • A Bar at the Folies-Bergere
    • A: Manet
    • Realism
    • 19th c.
    • Akhenaton
    • Ancient Egypt art
    • Amarna period
    • 1350 bce
    • Chariotter
    • Ancient Greek art
    • Early Classical
    • 450 bce
    • bronze
    • Colosseum
    • Roman art
    • Imperial Rome
    • 80 ce
    • concrete/marble veneer
    • San Vitale Choir
    • Byzantine
    • 500 ce
    • Eadwine the Scribe
    • Romanesque art
    • 1150 ce
    • ink and tempera on vellum
    • Royal Portal (Chartres Cathedral)
    • Gothic art
    • High Gothic
    • 1200 ce
    • Florence Cathedral
    • A: di Cambio and Giotto
    • Late Gothic art
    • 14th c. Italy
    • Garden of Earthly Delights
    • A: Bosch
    • 15th c. N. Europe art
    • oil on wood
    • Resurrection
    • A: Francesca
    • 15th c. Italy
    • Early Florentine Renaissance
    • fresco
    • Madonna in the Meadow
    • A: Raphael
    • 16th c. Italy
    • High Renaissance
    • oil on panel
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art history 10
art history