
  1. 1 - Noun
    word that is a person, place, thing or idea
  2. 2 - Verb
    Used to express action
  3. 3 - Adjective
    • Modifies the noun
    • Ex: Sue quickly opened the big box of chocolates
    • The inexpensive, comfortable shoes. (Coordinated)
    • That's an interesting idea. (Attributive)
    • That idea is wicked. (Predicative)
    • The good, the bad, and the ugly. (Substantive)
    • Tell me something interesting. (Post-positive)
  4. 4 - Adverb
    • Modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb
    • Ex: Sue quickly opened the big box of chocolates

    • The waves came in quickly over the rocks.
    • I found the film incredibly dull.
    • The meeting went well, and the directors were extremely happy with the outcome!
    • Crabs are known for walking sideways.
    • I often have eggs for breakfast.
    • However, I shall not eat fried eggs again.
  5. 5 - Preposition
    • Notes the relation of a noun to an action or a thing - preposition indicates a relation between things mentioned in a sentence
    • Ex: Sue quickly opened the big box of chocolate

    • as a modifier to a verb:
    • sleep throughout the winter
    • danced atop the tables for hours
    • as a modifier to a noun:
    • the weather in April
    • cheese from France with live bacteria
    • as the complement of a verb:
    • insist on staying home
    • dispose of unwanted items
    • as the complement of a noun:
    • a thirst for revenge
    • an amendment to the constitution
    • as the complement of an adjective or adverb:
    • attentive to their needs
    • separately from its neighbors
    • and: used to connect words, phrases, or clauses
    • but: indicates a contrast or exception
    • or: presents opinions, alternates, or substitutes for ideas of equal importance
    • nor: presents an alternate negative idea
  6. 6 -Conjunction.
    Connects two words, phrases or clauses together
  7. 7 - Determiner
    noun-modifier that expresses the reference of a noun or noun-phrase in the context, including quantity, rather than attributes expressed by adjectives. This function is usually performed by

    • The girl is a student.
    • I've lost my keys.
    • Some folks get all the luck.
    • Which book is that?
    • I only had two drinks.
    • I'll take that one.
    • Both windows were open.
  8. Pronoun
    • takes place of a noun.
    • Lisa gave the coat to Phil.
    • All three nouns in the sentence can be replaced by pronouns: She gave it to him.
    • The replaced phrase is called the antecedent of the pronoun
    • I love you
    • That reminds me of something.
    • He looked at them.
    • Take it or leave it
    • Who says so?
  9. Personal pronouns
    stand in place of the names of people or things

    • first-person singular (I)
    • first-person plural (we)
    • second-person singular and plural (you)
    • third-person singular human or animate male (he)
    • third-person singular human or animate female (she)
    • third-person singular inanimate (it)
    • third-person plural (they)
Card Set
Sentence Correction 1