Consumer Behavior
Process through which buyers make purchase decisions
Values,beliefs,preference, and tastes handed down from one generation to the next
Three broad categories for interpersonal influences:
- 1.Cultural Influences
- 2.Social Influences
- 3.Family Influences
Groups with their own distinct modes of behavior
The ASCH Phenomenon
The surprising impact of groups and group norms on individual behavior (Individuals conform to the majority)
Reference groups
People of institutions whose opinions are valued and to whom a person looks for guidance in his or her own behavior,values, and conduct, such as a spouse, family, friends, or celebrities (Children are especially vulnerable to the influence of reference groups)
Six differenct social classes:
- 1. Upper-upper
- 2. Lower-upper
- 3. upper-middle
- 4. lower-middle
- 5.working class
- 6. lower class
Opinion Leaders
Trendsetters who purchase new products before others in a group and then influence others in their purchases
Imbalance between a consumer's actual and desired states
Inner state that directs person toward the goal of statisfying a need
Marketing five levels of need:
- 1. Physiological Needs
- 2. Safety Needs
- 3. Social/Belongingness Needs
- 4. Esteem Needs
- 5. Self-Actualization Needs
Meaning that a person attributes to incoming stimuli gathered through the five senses (Two factors that influences a persons perception: Stimulus factors, Individual factors)
Perceptual Screens
The mental filtering processes through which all inputs must pass (A factor that stands out from all the rest; double the size of an ad)
Subliminal perception
The subconscious receipt of incoming information
Person's enduring favorable or unfavorable evaluations, emotions, or action tendecies toward some object or idea
Attitude Components (Three)
- 1. Cognitive: Individual's information and knowledge about an object or concept
- 2. Affective: Deals with feelings or emotional reactions
- 3. Behavioral: Tendencies to act in a certain manner
Knowledge or skill acquired as a result of experience, which changes consumer behavior
The process of applying a series of rewards and reinforcements to permit more complex behavior to evolve (Applying to marketing decisions)
Person's multifaceted picture of himself or herself
A person's self-concept has four components:
- 1. Real self
- 2. Self-image
- 3. Looking-glass self
- 4. Ideal self
High-involvement purchase decisions
Purchases with high levles of potential social or economic consequences
Low-involvement purchase decisions
Routine purchases that pose little risk to the consumer
Six steps in the consumer decision process
- 1. Problem-Opportunity Recognition
- 2. Search
- 3. Evaluation of Alternatives
- 4. Purchase Decision
- 5. Purchase Act
- 6. Postpurchase Evaluation
Evoked set
Number of alternatives a consumer actually considers in making a purchase decision
Evaluative criteria
Features a consumer considers in choosing among alternatives
Two results of purchaes:
- 1. Satisfaction
- 2. Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance
Imbalance among knowledge,beliefs, and attitudes that occurs after an action or decision, such as a purchase
Marketers recognize three categories of problem-solving behavior:
- 1. Routinized Responce Behavior
- 2. Limited Problem Solving
- 3. Extended Problem Solving